
Thursday, November 12, 2009

Playing with the small blocks

I finished the small blocks yesterday and tried a few layouts with them. This is only 42" square in comparison with the huge blocks that made a 64" square. Have fun looking at all of the layouts. There are 8 sets of 2 blocks alike, except possibly the center square might be different. I arranged them so the matched block is in a diagonal opposite from the first all the way through.
Today I am going to lunch with my 3 sisters-in-law and a friend to celebrate 2 birthdays which will occur on Saturday.


  1. I am always amazed at how many layouts can be made from a set of blocks.
    Hope you have a great time at lunch.

  2. These are so pretty...I always like the star layout, but the others are stunning too.

  3. Great layouts! I love all of them. I hadn't even noticed that there were two of the same all the way through. Interesting. It is so much fun to play with the blocks, isn't it? Have a nice lunch and birthday wishes to the birthday people.

  4. Really interesting play on value - it's striking in the two Sunshine & Shadows layouts.
    The colors in those blocks just sing. It's beautiful.

  5. I like them all! My favorite layout would be the lightening flash. Seeing your work with the Kaffe Fassett fabrics makes me want to remake my log cabin. I'd like a lighter batting anyway. Thanks for showing so many layouts.

  6. Love all the layouts! I find it so fun that one block can have many looks when paired with the same block and rearranged. Have a great lunch!

  7. So many choices!!! These are such lovely blocks with great colors. I think it would be hard to choose the perfect layout.

  8. Like everyone else said, its hard to choose, I love them all. Hannah

  9. Wanda - I'm still taken by the colors and fabric textures in these blocks. I think this is the first time I've enjoyed looking at someone's log cabin designs. And I like all of the layouts; they're all very interesting! :-)

  10. All the variations of the log cabin block make me realize why I love it so much.

    Have fun celebrating the birthdays.

  11. I love it when you post layouts! Even though they are all half darks and half lights, it's interesting how some layouts have an overall darker or lighter look.

  12. Lovely. I like the first one because it seems to suit the size of this quilt, but the fabrics make any one of these just yummy!

  13. I love that you share all the layout options. Tough decisions!

  14. Thanks for sharing all the layouts. You just convinced me that my next stash project(s) will be playing with log cabin blocks. In 10 plus years of quilting I haven't - nothing like the present:)My favourite is the star setting,but... I would take one of each if I could!

  15. I love log cabin but when it comes to the sewing together all the blocks I always feel like I can't decode on which layout I like the best lol.
    Good luck - love the colours too.

  16. While they are all great, I like the first layout the best! And, I love the addition of some light pink in these blocks...great color!

  17. Isn't this one of the reasons we love quilting. One block - so many layouts.
    I do prefer the sixth one, though.

  18. WoW, this is such a great lesson on lights/darks and how versatile the L.C block is. The color thing are always kinda scared me so this post is especially helpful to us colorphobes :o) So many settings, can't wait to see which one you pick!! Amie in Nashville

  19. I'll take one of each please. LOVE them all, just like fabric I want one of each, can't decide, they are all fabulous, what's the back going to be? Thank you for sharing each layout, that takes a little bit of work assembling and then re-assembling, but what a treat to see, this would be a great idea for his {KF's} have little insert photos like this for each quilt with some tips on design, or even your own book.....???? looking thru your blog looks to me like you could write and show a nice book on color value/design layout, etc....if you do I would like the first copy, {I like to dream like this}. Happy stitching.

  20. Every one of those layouts is stunning. I would have a very difficult time deciding which one I really like.


  21. I wonder why... my least favourite is the Zig Zag. I love the log cabins, but have not made a quilt!... yet!

  22. Oh kind of post! This is the NEATEST!!! Everything is so well planned out that each layout presents a whole new look! And someone has to decide which one to use! So glad it isn't me! Really cool.


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