
Sunday, November 22, 2009

A pieced back

I am going to use the light 'H' blocks on the back of the quilt, pieced into an 'H' shape. I will probably make more light blocks to make the 'H' larger.I had to move my blocks over to a double wall (8 ft. wide) so the new blocks have been mixed in with the old ones. I made another star block in the same fabrics as the first one and now I think I might make them all with the same star fabric and change the background of the next ones to fabrics similar to the first background. If I don't like that I will make all of the star blocks alike. I need to make about 25 more blocks for a 60" x 82" quilt. I could stop at 75" long and use it as a couch quilt. I'm not bored with it yet so we'll see.
I love my new vacuum cleaner. It is nothing fancy but it sure is better than my old one. I have the whole living room/dining room clean now for Thanksgiving. It is a huge L shaped room. Each section is 15' wide and the long parts of the L are 30'. When that room is done I feel like I have cleaned half of the house.


  1. I just love this "H" block quilt, you can't go wrong with those gorgeous fabrics.

  2. I like the idea of the lights on the back. It is really coming along nicely.

  3. Wanda, we are living parallel lives! I just got a new vacuum cleaner myself! Woo-hoo - and i am determined to make an "H" quilt because I adore how yours is turning out! I love your work.

  4. Wanda, I love your color combinations. Again, I have learned a great deal from your example. It's almost like getting "premission" to go ahead and try what I see on my design floor. Very nice quilt.

  5. "H" is for's a beauty!

  6. I like that "H" idea for a back. That will be awesome.

    I can imagine that you would feel that you had cleaned the whole house after all that vacuuming. My cord shorted out this week on mine and boy, did I miss it while it was being repaired!

  7. Who would have thought that H's could be so interesting! The stars fit right in. I think H is for HAPPY!

  8. This is beautiful, can't wait to see the final result. Your "resource room" must be amazing!

  9. The fractal principle is an element of beauty, I believe

  10. LOVE the face of your H quilt, and for you to use the lights on the back really made me smile. A great reversible quilt this will be.


  11. The "H" quilt is going to be a stunning display of colour! I love the idea of the light H blocks for the reverse.

  12. Love how your 'H' quilt is coming along. It looks great and the back will be just a wonderful!

  13. Wow, that is a lot of vaccuming! A good workout, I'll bet.

    I like your H quilt so far! Beautiful colors, and great movement. And the idea of the lights on the back is great.

  14. "H" looks great. I really like the idea for the back too.

    The vacuuming? Yukk, that's a lot of room to do.

  15. Very fun!
    And when I clean my living/dining room I have cleaned half the house. At least that is the case until the basement is finished.


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