
Monday, November 23, 2009

Not much progress

I didn't get much accomplished at all yesterday. Maybe it is because I just did a little of a lot of things, like cleaning off the top of the dresser in my bedroom, pulling all of the plants that grow in the cracks of the sidewalk to be prepared for shoveling snow this winter, moving the furniture in my studio so I can reach one of the 8 ft. fluorescent bulbs that is flickering and dying. I did pair up a lot of yummy fabrics and got 8 more blocks sewn.Today I will shop for the last few things I need for Thanksgiving dinner, sort and remove the piles from the dining room table and kitchen table, and hopefully press some more fabrics and get the rest of my blocks cut out. I hope I can finish this top and quilt it on Friday or Saturday. After a family gathering the house will be clean, there will be plenty of leftovers, and my time should be my own for a couple days. At least I hope so.


  1. OOOOOOOOOh nice stuff there! We have our Thanksgiving in early October here in Canada and it's not the big holiday like in the States.
    Here it's Christmas! I think Thanksgiving should be given bigger prominence considering how much we should be thankful for, especially this year!

  2. How much company will you have for Thanksgiving? Your blocks are wonderful.

  3. Even though you only mad a little progress on the quilt, you really were able to get tons of things done around your home. It feels good to get those little things done too. I love the colors in this set of H blocks, really nice.

  4. Your blocks are so colorful and cheerful. I love all those fabrics. We had our family Thanksgiving yesterday so now I have a fridge full of leftovers and a clear week ahead to dabble in the sewing room with no need to stop & cook dinner or grocery shop.

  5. Cleaning off the dresser....that IS busy work! How is it that we can pile so much crap on the dresser and that "little" drawer in the kitchen??? AKA-junk drawer :o)Anyhoo,your blocks are great of course, very happy. How many folks are eating at your house? Amie :o)

  6. Nothing wrong with getting little bits of lots of stuff done! I do this all the time. :)

  7. I'll be out there with you for the shopping today too. I'd much rather be sewing. ;)

  8. I am back. You have been a busy girl while I was away.Cleaning, even on top of things,as well as sewing and cutting out. Just love your H blocks.

    Have lots of fun with yur visitors over Thanksgiving.

  9. Yeah! Sometimes life gets in the way. Oh, well. Be thankful that Thanksgiving only comes once a year. The fabics you paired up look great!

  10. Your H quilt is going to be wonderful. The colors and fabrics play well together. A simple pattern that lets the fabric do the work for you. I like the way you think.

  11. Some3times other things just HAVE to be done.

  12. With all that you accomplished yesterday... You still took time to stitch more yummy fabrics to show us today !

    I'm with you... looking forward to a couple days all for yourself.


  13. The fabric combinations for those H blocks are fabulous! Our Thanksgiving was over a month ago, but it's not anywhere near as big an event here as it is in the States.

  14. Hi Wanda,
    Your new yellow/red/pink H blocks are nice and glowy!
    I can see why you took the lighter background Hs out of the mix; the new layout looks very rich.
    I'm working on cleaning between other items, too. It's nice when it gets done, but whew!
    Vicky F

  15. As usual your colors are beautiful! I've just discovered that I'm making a similar block. Mine looks like an H only it's wonky and I'm using repro's for a baby quilt.


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