
Friday, October 23, 2009

Successful class

Here are the students' quilts from the Disappearing 9 patch class. This first one was a beginning quilter who decided to just make a small piece to learn the ropes.This student used patriotic colors. She only had 4 blocks done to photograph so there are 3 of one kind and one of the other kind.
There are lots of cheery colors in this one.
My photo does not do this one justice. It is really pretty but my little camera couldn't capture it. I guess I'll have to start taking the big camera to classes with me. Maybe if you click and enlarge the photo you might be able to see some of the nice fabrics.
The blocks are a little wonky in this one but the owner loves it and I think it really came out well. She is going to add a brown border.
I finished this journal cover that I showed part of a couple days ago.
The photo below is the open cover before I slipped the notebook in.
It rained all day yesterday, mostly light rain but almost an inch by evening. All of the leaves fell from the redbuds in one day. Now I can see through to some of the more colorful trees in neighbors' yards.


  1. The students' quilts are all so interesting with their different fabric choices.
    I love that journal cover. The colours are just fabulous!

  2. Thanks for showing the students' quilts! I love seeing the different possibilities -- I bet they had a great time. I plan to make one of those for a quick quilt one day, and it helps to see a bunch of different looks.

  3. I like the disappearing nine-patch pattern. I think I'll make one.

  4. Great pattern! I am always amazed to see the benefit or detriment of fabric choice - such a simple concept to learn, but tricky, tricky, tricky to master...

  5. I love all the different ways disappearring 9 patch can turn out with variations of colours.Please tell your students "Well Done" Wanda.

  6. I love seeing all the different fabric combos in your students' work! I think that is such an easy pattern to do, and it's anazing how different it can look just by fabric choices. Thanks for sharing the photos.

    Your journal cover is just smashing!

  7. Do you know I love the wonky one so much I think my next Disappearing 9 patch will be wonky too.

  8. All of your students have different interpretations and varied color choices. It gives them all a wonderfully unique look. I just love the purple journal cover.

  9. It's interesting to see how different each student's layout is even though it is the same block. I noticed that on their blocks they sewed their ninepatches so that they cut through the darker fabrics and left the lighter ones whole. Do you understand what I mean? I have always done it the opposite way, so it is even more interesting for me to see the way these have been done. And I love your purple journal cover!

  10. Once again I am amazed at how different they all look when they start from the same point. A great variety of fabric styles too, which makes it even more interesting to see all your students' work.

  11. You have some real bobby dazzlers here today. You ask me to edit my profile I thought it was there , ----cottonreel

  12. How did class go today, that layout is gorgeous.


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