
Wednesday, October 14, 2009

A miscellaneous day

I started the day by beginning to clean the basement for my art quilters next Monday. Then I migrated back to the machine and started making the block from yesterday into a journal cover. This is the raw state before I add the end panels and trim. I like to chain piece so I started another block while sewing the strips on the one above.
My disappearing 9 patch class starts on Thursday so I sewed some more strips together to use for a demo. Here is another ugly square.............

and now it doesn't look so bad after cutting and rearranging. I will have 3 sets of blocks that I will mix together for the actual quilt.
I found a few more reds and pinks (while straightening the basement) that I thought would work in the Strips that Sizzle blocks so I sewed 3 more sets. Now I need to sew 2 more green sets to go with them, or maybe I'll make some all pink/red blocks and see how they mix into a design.
We had the 4th day in a row that didn't get out of the 40's and that is the normal low for this time period. They are promising 65 degrees Monday though when my company is coming.


  1. The colors that you are using for the journal cover are just fantastic! Very fall like. Yes, the floral block definitely looks different after it is rearranged into a disappearing nine patch.

  2. they are promising us that we will get into the 60s today and for the next 5 days - I have developed a wait and see approach - I am starting to not believe a word the weather people say! We have been below normal the whole month so far.

  3. It's amazing how chopping up the block makes it look so much better. I remember hearing Evelyn Sloppy say that you can use all your ugly fabrics in scrap quilts as long as you're really careful with the value.

  4. Amazing how something that we initially determine to be "ugly" becomes interesting and scrappy and "not ugly" when cut apart and rearranged ... perhaps there's a larger thought pattern here than just the disappearing 9-patch . . .

  5. RE- flower fabric.
    I believe it was Bonnie Hunter on her blog that commented that if fabric is ugly, you just need to cut smaller pieces from it- so that eventually the pieces will be small enought that they will look good. d9p seems to accomodate that belief very well.
    sally in st. paul

  6. The journal cover fabrics are perfect ones for this time of year!

  7. I love that journal cover. The colours seem to absolutely glow.

  8. Nice journal cover. Have you ever covered a binder? I have a D-ring, three ring binder in perfectly good condition but the cover looks like it fell out of the reject cupboard at a binder factor. Ugly! I'm thinking it needs a cover (or tossed in the recycle).

  9. Must tell you... as we traveled over mountain passes to Seattle last week. I thought of you when I saw those gorgeous fall colors floating down the slopes, truly like one of your quilts. There were patches of bushes that were entwined with each other with such vivid color it took my breath away. I wish I had taken a camera.


  10. What is it about black that adds such elegance? And knowing how to add it to a design ~ again is a talent that I am so envious of. These two blocks are just beautiful.

    Must ask... why do they call it DISAPPEARING 9 patch ?

    Your reds really do sizzle. Always look forward to what you will add to make it even better.


  11. The impression of light and shadow on the flower quilt is striking!

  12. Hi Wanda,
    I love that touch of blue in the fall-ish journal cover pieces. I've noticed this year that fall colors are more complex than I have given them credit.
    Vicky F

  13. Hope the promise for warmer weather holds good!


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