
Wednesday, October 28, 2009

I didn't feel like doing math

I just couldn't make myself do the math and figure out if I had enough of that purple print I showed Monday. Instead I finished 2 more pillowcases for charity. Now there are 5. I'm hoping to make a dozen.Then I quilted this quilt and located the binding that I had cut a few years ago. I'm ready to sew binding on today. Tonight I will take the shirt I bought over to my dad when my brother and I take supper to him. We have been eating out on Wed. and Sun. nights but Dad has decided he really doesn't want to go out when it is colder. Today is supposed to be warm but since it is getting dark earlier I think it is safer that we bring the meal to his apartment no matter what the weather is.


  1. The pillowcases look so nice, as far as they are visible. The kids will love them.

  2. Sometimes it is nice to do something quick and not exert the mind. Lately, I feel that way quite a bit. Hope you have a lovely dinner with your Dad.

  3. The pillowcases are great! I'm sure the kids will love them.
    Good luck with the shirt.

  4. I love the colors in the quilt and the pillowcases are so colorful.

    I do hope that you have enough fabric to finish the blocks.

  5. Love your colourful pillowslips for the kids.

    Hope Dad your brother and yourself had a lovely meal together. Did Dad like his shirt??

  6. What great pillowcases for kids! The quilt you're binding looks lovely -- perfect colours for this time of year!

  7. What happy dreams those children will have on those pillow cases. A heartfelt donation to that lucky charity.

    Have you posted that quilt before? It looks another one of your treasures.

    Enjoy these visits with your Dad you will treasure the memories one day.


  8. Great pillowcases. The quilt is beautiful. We eat with my in-laws often. They live next door, so it's easy to take a meal over to share with them.


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