
Saturday, October 31, 2009

All fired up.

When I got up yesterday I was all fired up and I was going to accomplish something. In the end I grocery shopped, did laundry, took a nap, and I can't even remember what else. Last night I had three TV shows to watch, Ghost Whisperer, Medium and Numb3rs so I worked on journal covers that were started previously. On this first one I ran into the trouble I had when I first started making them. I made the cover too tight for the notebook to slide in easily.
This one is for the cheap little composition books that you can get for 50 cents most of the time. I solved the "too tight" problem by trimming a sliver off the top edge of the front and back covers. I like the cover to slip easily when you open the book to write in it.
Here is this size with the size that I usually make. The little notebooks cost me anywhere from $1.29 - $2.50 depending on where I can find them, so even though they take less fabric to make, there is still about the same cost in both sizes.
The braided border part is made from samples from the time period when I taught that as a class. I am pretty sure I will never teach that again so I decided to use them up. Thanks for all of the positive response to my "wordy" post yesterday. Some of you may remember awhile back I asked whether my readers just skimmed or really read the posts. About a third admitted they rarely read any of the words. Now if my glass was half empty I would have decided to only have pictures, but since my glass is half full, I know that 2/3 DO read the posts and there should always be words.
There are several of you who regularly leave comments, but you are no reply bloggers because you either don't have a Google account or you haven't enabled your email in your profile. I just want you to know that even though I can't reply personally to you, that I really enjoy and appreciate your comments.
Today I have to work at the sewing machine store, and when I get home the little ghosts and goblins will be roaming the streets. And I have to remember to change my clocks back one hour before I go to bed for the end of daylight savings time.


  1. Now that I've been quilting awhile, I'm getting lots of blocks and other "spare parts" -- these covers are one good way to use them. I hate having all that waste!

  2. More spectacular journal covers!
    That's a great idea, covering those composition notebooks. I had never thought of that!

  3. I too sometimes wonder if people just look at the photos and not read the blogs - the words are what tells you all about the people though I think. Even though most of us never meet I feel like I know other bloggers by reading their words!
    And by the way I thought Medium was very strange last night!

  4. I loved reading that you took a nap! I've always wondered how you accomplish so much in one day!!! I figured you had a cleaning lady or someone who did all the mundane crap but then read that wasn't true! I wish I had half your energy and determination. I always start with such good plans for the day and then get side-tracked with cleaning or errands and feel like I'm being cheated!!! I've been making journal covers(inspired by you but I made a pattern I can just turn inside out instead of topstitching) and have found that Target has the regular size composition books for $1.02. What a good way to spend $10.00!!
    I read every word you write and always look forward to your posts!

  5. Oh wow love those journal covers. You are always an inspiration. Just beautiful

  6. First thing I do is check your blog and I'm never disappointed -- just inspired.

  7. I check your blog on a daily basis and I do like to read your words as well as look at the pictures. I guess I get wordy on my blog too!

    Since many people aren't writing daily journals, I guess these blogs are going to be the stuff for future historians to find out what "typical" life was about.

    I bought some composition books at the start of the school year, when they were on sale. I'm hoping that they'll be back on sale in early January. I did find some that were graph paper and I plan to use those for sketching quilt designs. I have found that making these covers are a fun way to use up orphan blocks and scraps.


  8. I love reading your words Wanda as well as looking at your photos of your lovely work. That was a good way of solving the cover being too tight.

    Seems funny you have to put your clock back an hour when over in the East of Australia they are putting it forward. The West is not having it anymore Hooray. Hated it.

  9. I love your blog and read every word first thing when I get up in the morning or when I get home from work( I work nights). I find it all very inspiring! I'm also buried in fabric from my days of working for fabric companies and shops making samples and now you have inspired me to use up and finish some of what I have. Thanks!

  10. I just love all of your journal covers. It was a great way to use the "spare" blocks too.

  11. I wonder if the book cover needs a cover if it is meant for taking it along in the rucksack -- this is how I use mine. Would it wear out too soon? This thought is what keeps me from trying my own. And, of course, knowing that mine would certaily be crooked and never as neat and straight as yours.

  12. Wanda, you are always an inspiration. I love the quilt for your daughter in your previous post. I do read posts. I think that some younger bloggers may not read all the words because they have grown up in a more "instant" and hurried world. No offense to anyone. And maybe people skim because they can "read" more blogs.

  13. I never realized what it means to leave a comment till now. I took it for granted that people would just "know" they were being read. I want you to know I do read all the words and think about what you're saying. I love the braids, and journal covers in general. Keep it going!!

  14. I read your blog every morning. Thank you for showing us the notebooks you use. Now I know what to look for.

    I created an account so I wouldn't be anonymous anymore. lol, big step for me ;-)

    I love those pink and black braids!

  15. Love your journal covers! What a great way to use up left over blocks etc. I love your blog. I read it every day and am always inspired by your energy and creativity! Happy Halloween!

  16. Hi Wanda,
    Love those braided covers. Perfect gift for the person who prefers symmetry over wonky or artsy.
    I have to get going on mine or they won't be ready for mid-Dec!
    Vicky F

  17. re: Friday's post
    Your daughter will treasure her quilt forever ! As always your fabric choices are like breath taking jewels. I enlarged every photo and read every word.

    Now today... your journal covers are as much fun to look at as your quilts.


  18. Wow really loving the pink and black/dark gray marbled batik book covers!!! That combination is striking! I bet that the quilts you made in class out of them got many compliments and requests to buy!

  19. Fired UP! Ready to GO!.....take a nap, that is......*L*

  20. I have only been reading quilting blogs for about a year...I love yours...I read it and enjoy your photos. I appreciate that you are such a consistent blogger!

  21. Wanda - I love your blog and read it daily - I can always count on you to write something every day. I love reading about the weather (I am living in Arizona now, transplanted from Illinois), your gardens and what you are working on. I can't believe how productive you are and LOVE it that you are working on projects you started years ago. I actually was in a couple of your classes years ago.

  22. I love your journal covers. Sure make each one special, huh.
    As for reading your blogs - - -
    always cuz I might miss something if I skip ! ! ! !

  23. Queridos (as) amigos (as) I am making a campaign donation to the Christmas of needy children in my community in need are children who have nothing at Christmas, donations will be used to purchase basic food, clothing, footwear and toys if each of us, we give God a little bit multiply in many happy children. If you can raise only keep working because pra campaign they will be deposited in the Bank of Brazil agencia 3082-1 to 9799-3, thank you

  24. Thank God help you and you can also help children in need of your country, I will pray for you.

  25. Love your journal covers.. Beautiful!!

  26. I will have to say that ever since I discovered your blog I read it every day..I am amazed at how much you get done and I love the way you use colors..
    You inspire me to do more. Thanks for the tutorials.

  27. Very pretty journal covers as well as the quilts in the last few posts. I really enjoy looking at all of your work!

  28. I love reading your blog, and I also love looking at the pictures!!! :) I have made ONE journal cover (so far) and yep, I also had to trim the cardboard cover because I made the fabric one too tight! It's nice to read that even those who are so expert make these kinds of mistakes!
    Thanks for sharing your 'stuff'!!

  29. I like the covers. that's one of the things on my "winter project list" make a cover for my TAST (Take A Stitch Tuesday) book. I hope mine turn out even half as good as yours! I'd be happy with that!


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