
Friday, September 11, 2009

Some prize winners at the fair................
I'll show you the best of show quilts today and some others tomorrow. This one was best over all machine quilted quilt.
I can't read the whole sign but I think it was the best over all child's item.
this was the best over all quilt that was hand quilted.
This one is best for its machine piecing.
Best over all crib quilt machine quilted.
Best over all hand pieced. I have noticed a lot of bloggers are making these hexagon flowers lately.
I came through the horticulture building on my way to the quilts. The orange caught my eye.
A lot of people enter flowers.I looked at the eateries but didn't buy any food out there. The sweet corn is always popular with the city folks that come to the fair.
I'll have some more pictures tomorrow.


  1. Thanks for posting the great quilt pics that won ribbons, and sharing your photos from the fair! Pretty blooms...I can see where the orange caught your attention. Gorgeous.

  2. The quilts are just beautiful! Those orange flowers, I believe are called Japanese lanterns. A lady that lives near me has them and sells them street side this time of year.

  3. thanks for the pictures of the fabulous quilts

    Love and hugs Gina xxx

  4. Thanks for sharing the pics from the fair. Those Japanese Lanterns are an interesting flower. I always love to go to the floral exhibit when we go to the fair.

  5. What lovliness - I can't wait to check out the quilts at the upcoming Fall Fairs should be fun!! Thanks for sharing.

  6. Looks like you had a lovely day for it, too! Looking forward to the Big E here in the Northeast--starts next weekend!! There is nothing quite so delightful. :) Thanks for sharing the photos, Wanda, they put a smile on my face!

  7. Are you having great fair weather, or WHAT?????

    Those lanterns are exactly the basis for Laura Gunn's Lantern Bloom collection. It's my fave fabric lately.

    No fried dough anywhere?

  8. What pretty quilts - the country fair at home never has such well made pretty quilts.

  9. Hi
    thanks for the great pictures! jmh

  10. Thanks for sharing all those lovely quilts. Looks like there's some great quilters in Illinois!

    Our big fair starts today. Hope to get there soon. I love fairs, but my favorite part is all the animals.

  11. ...i also enjoyed the fair and the quilts yesterday....what a great day for it!

  12. Great shots of the fair but now I need to know....What are Funnel Cakes?

  13. Beautiful workmanship on all of the quilts. I can see why they all received ribbons.

    Is that one of the Japanese Lantern plants? Stunning!

    I have heard so much this year about fair food. One thing new to me this year was when they spoke of deep fat fried BUTTER!!! Can you imagine?

  14. Hi Wanda,
    Thank you for the virtual tour of the fair.
    Is the quilt with the best overall hand quilting stippled with hand quilting? Wow.
    My salvias pale in comparison to the fair beauties!
    Vicky F

  15. Oh, what lovely eye candy! Thank you for sharing! I would have gotten hung up at the funnel cake booth. Do they have fried dough in your neck of the woods? I saw that in Sequana's comment. I've only ever seen it in Maine, and my dad, who was a Mainer, used to make it every Christmas morning for breakfast.

  16. What great fun!!! did you enter a quilt?

  17. Hi Wanda. Sydney my 11 yr old grandaughter got a purple ribbon on her take five quilt. Bright colors. This is her 2nd quilt. last yr she entered a raggy and got a 2nd place ribbon. She was pretty excited, so am I. I may never get one but grandkids are better. Taught them right. LOL See you Tuesday.Sandy

  18. Such great quilts! So different from each other. But all made with love.

  19. Thanks for sharing those pictures. Some real nice Quilts. I wished we had anything like that over here in Germany. I mean a fair like that. I would truly enjoy to go to one of those.



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