
Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Now I'm feeling guilty.......................
I looked in the box that the Zygocactus blocks came out of and here are all of the lavender and peach strips already cut to make more blocks. I also have all of the setting triangles in there for a quilt larger than what I had on the design wall yesterday. I would probably have to cut more green. Darn! Here I thought I could just sew it together and move on. I guess I'll have to assign it to a day on my list.
Can you stand one more unfinished project? I know I started this one when Trudie Hughes' first Template Free books came out. She was the pioneer of writing books for rotary cutting while cutters were still a new item at the stores. Her second book came out in 1987 so I think the first one was probably in 1985. I think I sold all of her books except the second one which was autographed to me when I took a workshop with her at the Wisconsin Symposium in 1987.
This was a teaching sample that I started when I was teaching it for a guild in Joliet, IL. I gathered it all together with the rest of the fabric and measured it to prepare it to sell but I could never come up with a price so here it still sits. There is over 6 yards of coordinating fabric, 2 extra blocks, eight 9 patches and some little pieces cut to make more blocks. The pieced top is about 30" x 40".
While I was back in that same corner of the basement I found my little pile of Caryl Fallert hand dyed fabrics. I think just looking at these is all that is necessary. I need to find a little basket to display them in.
There was another pile, maker unknown, that I bought when a lady came to sell some to the quilt shop where I was working. The owner said I could buy directly from the maker if I wanted any. It is a little heavier weight so I think it would be good for machine embroidery or backgrounds for collages. She said it was Kona cotton but it is heavier than any Kona that I have. Now I have to convince myself that this is Tuesday. Monday holidays really mess with my mind.


  1. Another option is to pass along the unfinshed project and pieces to someone at a quilt guild meeting who would find the project new and fun.

  2. Definitely display the hand dyed's too beautiful to keep packed away.'s Tuesday...guess I have to go to work!

  3. Wow, quite a few UFO's. I bet if I went and looked I might have equally as many. I love the solid look fabric.

  4. You sure have some pretty UFOs. Good luck with the finishes.

  5. I am so amazed with your endless stash! You could almost open your own shop out of your basement! Love those hand dyed solids -

  6. I wonder if I cleaned up my studio if I would find such wonderful things. Don't think so! Not only are you often full of surprises, so is your home!!

  7. It is fun to play with our UFO stash & fabric collection. You certainly have a delightful collection. And you make so many beautiful things, that I'm sure these fabrics will call to you, at some point, and you'll enjoy making another gorgeous quilt with them.


  8. I've been digging through my UFO boxes to look for projects to take along to a retreat. I did fond some orphan blocks and I think I'll be finishing them up into journals, like you have been showing.

    I made my first try at one, based on your instructions and it came out pretty good. I used the ends of some strip sets and some old fat quarters for the lining.

    Thanks for showing me so many options...


  9. I know just what you mean about trying to keep it straight that today is actually Tuesday, not Monday. And tomorrow I will feel like it is only Tuesday, when it will actually be Wednesday. And so on.

    Look at all the wonderful fabric you found! I'd be jumping up and pretty. And what a great UFO you found, too! You have another fabulous quilt to finish!

  10. What gorgeous fabrics you found lurking about in your basement -- that group in the last photo are stunning!

  11. Hi Wanda,
    Wow, you found your bottomless magic quilting box!

    I love the Scandinavian woven heart pattern. I had one of the older patterns, and now I would do quicker piecing methods (connector corners, etc).

    Those hand-dyed fabrics are just for petting, right?
    Vicky F

  12. O.K. so you found the lavender pieces. I guess you will be adding them to your stunning piece.

    Unfinished heart. I absolutely love it ! I sent photo's to my photo's to save and maybe try one of those hearts soon. I love the pattern of these hearts.

    Your hand died pieces are gorgeous.



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