
Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Argyle quilt

The top is all sewn together except for corner triangles.............
I think this quilt will go on one of the twin beds in my house. It should look good in either the yellow room or the pinky/purple room. I finished sewing about 9 p.m. and was too tired to look for the corner fabric.
I spent part of the afternoon drastically pruning my weigela bushes. We only have 2 more free brush pick-ups before winter and I have a lot of volunteer redbuds to cut down in addition to the trimming of the bushes. I am going to take the bushes all the way down to about 24" from the ground. If they make it OK, and if they don't I'll dig out the roots next year. I'm tired of bushes 2 feet taller than me. My rose of sharons are getting whacked too.
My dad goes in for his heart ultrasound and chemical stress test this morning. He is not in any pain with the hernia so my brothers and I are against the surgery. I don't want a bedridden total stranger for a dad when I can have one who gets around with a cane and still has some of his memory. I have checked into recovery time for 4" incision/mesh hernia surgery and it is a minimum of 3 weeks and maybe up to 3 months. For a 95 year old, who knows.


  1. One of my elderly friends had a hernia operation and the recovery was w-a-y longer than they told her. If your Dad seems to be doing fine, I too would be very hesitant about agreeing to a non-necessary operation. Whatever is decided, he is lucky to have such a caring family!

  2. I agree with Evelyn. If he is doing fine, it is probably bette that he not have the surgery now. He is very lucky to have you there to help make these decisions. The quilt looks just fantastic and will look wonderful on a bed.

  3. I love the way this quilt turned out. Very pretty! I hope your dad does well with his testing this morning.

  4. Hi Wanda! The quilt is beautiful, stunning actually. I also think you've made the right decision about your Dad. Good luck.

  5. Hi Wanda,

    For everyday your father is in bed he will need a week to recover, I was told that by a therapist. Age is the factor in recovery.
    I love, love, your quilt and think it now resembles a beaded curtain .
    My mother had some in her bathroom windows in Florida.

  6. you quilt looks fabulous. I also think you have made the right decision about your dad. Since he isn't in pain, why do the surgery. I just doesn't make sense to put the eldery through such an ordeal and in the end who knows what the outcome will be.

  7. I have to tell you again....the argyle quilt is awesome.
    Hoping all goes well for your dad.

  8. I think you're really doing the best for your father.... thinking about the total picture and the quality of his life. May you have many more good years together.

  9. I cannot believe they would even consider surgery!! I'm with you!
    My aunt(96) was back in the hospital...long story I'll tell you next time I see you.
    They said they cannot fix valve because of her age...even tough for a younger person.

  10. Wanda...this quilt is spectacular...I think I may have to try one...what an inspriation this is.

  11. The quilt is beautiful! Bless you for taking such good care of your Dad.

  12. If you are against the surgery, I hope you'll stop before he has the stress test this morning. Not painful but a disquieting series of sensations (varies depending on the person).

    The need is gone if the surgery has been negated.

    I'd vote with ya'll, too.

  13. The argyle quilt is looking wonderful!

    And I hope everything goes well for your dad. Speaking from experience, unfortunately, at that age the trauma of surgery to the system is often just too great. If it's not causing him any discomfort, then I hope they leave it alone. Best of luck.

  14. I just love this quilt .... would like to make on like it one day when I have finished all my unfinished projects.... Hope your dad does well today.

  15. That really is a stunning quilt - design and fabric choices!
    Good thoughts for you and your dad.

  16. Lovely finish! It just sparkles.

    Prayers for you and your dad, and for the doctors who need wisdom too.

  17. That is a very striking quilt. Gorgeous.

    I'd be extremely hesitant to allow the surgery too -- especially if your dad is not experiencing any problems from it!

  18. We were once at a crossroads concerning surgery for my Dad, my husband (bless his heart) asked the surgeon if HE would perform this same surgery on HIS father at this age. He hmmmd around and tried to say it was a different situation. That was all we needed to hear, the surgery was "postponed" and he didn't have any additional health problems related to that issue.

    Sometimes I worry that surgeons only want to see if they CAN do this, not that they SHOULD. They get paid no matter the outcome and go on to work another day. Our parents on the other hand are the ones who suffer. It is our promise to them to be their advocate and we must stand up for their best interest. Much as they did when parenting us, now it is our turn.

    Remember the oath they take; First do no harm.

    Bless you,
    Linda H.

  19. I think that at 95 you should let things be. What a ripe old age to still be getting around.
    Love the quilt.

  20. Fabulous quilt!!I just love all the color.
    Best of luck with your Dad.

  21. Love this quilt ~ the 'beads' really seem to stand out now that it is completed. I had to enlarge this one again it really is full of fabulous fabrics. It will add 'pizazz' in either bedroom.

    Loved the way you explained your pruning as 'whacking' I do that too. And it feels so good.

    You know I support you in every way, with your concerns for your Dad's surgery.


  22. I'm in AWE of this is FAB!!!

  23. I wish you the best in making decisions about your dad. Did you get a second opinion about the need for the surgery? That might clinch it, but if he's not in pain...I'd feel as you all do. Good luck and God Bless.


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