
Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Journal cover

I started this journal cover on Sunday night...........
but I wasn't sure I liked it so I waited until yesterday morning to finish it.
All of the selvages are from Westminster/Rowan fabrics and all Kaffe Fassett even though one doesn't have his name on it.
I had started this pastel one several months ago but couldn't decide what to put on the front of it for some interest. Then last week I pulled out some of my sample embroideries and decided this one was perfect for it.
The stripes on the back go in the other direction.
Here are all of the ones I have made in the last 2 weeks plus the blue one made previously. (see previous posts for full views)
Yesterday was border day so I started with this one. I took the easy way out and used the piece that was already cut on the lengthwise grain for a previous quilt. This used up all of the leftover piece. This one ended up 58" x 84", a very respectable size for a couch quilt.I don't have a design wall large enough to photograph the whole vanilla quilt top now that the borders are on it. It measures about 82" x 105" which is only double bed size with the new tall mattresses. After it is quilted it may even be a little skimpy for a double bed.
This is the fabric that I am going to use on the back. I have never been a beige lover, but I really like this fabric. It is almost like a sepia tone photograph.
Today is beaded curtain/argyle quilt day so I hope I can get the last rows sewn and get it down off the design wall. I have just recovered most of my other design walls and want to do this one too.
I have had the double walls covered with one piece of flannel but it is a real pain when I need to move them. If they are each covered separately and just placed next to each other I can just slide one in front of the other to get to what is behind them. I have a fruit cellar behind one, which is filled with sewing stuff. I have storage boxes of fabric behind another double one, and the third double one gets placed in front of my washer and dryer when the art quilters come.


  1. The journal covers are beautiful. such a clever idea and all from recycled material. I also like your vanilla quilt.

  2. You have been very productive this week. The journal covers are fantastic and the vanilla quilt is lovely. I, too, like the backing fabric. Just beautiful! Now I have to say when you started talking about your fruit cellar, I said to myself, "I bet she stores fabric there". Of course you do!

  3. What style/type journal are you covering?

  4. You have really got a good schedule down for rotating your quilt projedts. I am loving how your journals covers have turned out. I made a cover for a 3 ring binder once and I use it a lot when I go to quilt meetings.

  5. you have accomplished a lot lately! I like how the vanilla quilt is turning out and love the journal covers.

  6. I am really impressed at how you stick to your daily scheduled tasks. Wish I was more like that. I love the journal covers. And the vanilla quilt is beautiful. I, too, love the backing fabric.

  7. The vanilla quilt has become spectacular ~ I hope you're planning to use it and enjoy it (or are you selling this one?)

    The journal covers are gorgeous, all lined up like that!

    Take care!

  8. Wanda, that vanilla quilt is stunning! I'm not usually one for sublety in quilts, but this is just gorgeous! So glad you resurrected her!

  9. Another inspiring post today. Journal covers from 'selvages' to 'pastel' ~ all ready to put a smile on someone's face.

    Flannel quilt is absolutely stunning, rich with color and warmth.

    'Vanilla quilt' has the softness of a morning dove. Elegance of Victorian lace. Love the button backing.


  10. The flannel quilt! Wow! Classic and appealing. Wonderful.

  11. Alright, Wanda, a new selvage project! I love it, and the embroidered one too. The stack of journals looks so cool. The vanilla 9-patch is huge at 105". I have a thicker mattress on my queen-sized bed, and a 95" wide quilt will go about half down the sideboards. Yours must really be thick!

  12. OK....I'm all caught up...AGAIN!! I get behind on everyone....your selvage project is FAB and those journal covers are just w-a-y too cute!!!
    You always have such wonderful and inspiring projects!!!

  13. Wanda, I read your posts every day, and don't comment every time because I keep hearing this little voice telling me to "Get to work" - You are truly a motivator!

  14. Love that border & that backing reminds me of an "OOPS" quilt top of my own that I donated - very big value issues...

  15. I'm loving the vanilla quilt; it's quite different from the ones I usually see here and so it must be a big leap out of your comfort zone ~ good job! Would you be willing to sell one of those journal covers with the selvages? I love them.

  16. I have to say that I love how the pale 9-patch is turning out--I'm not a beige person either, but it is so elegant altogether.

    Also, those journal covers look like such fun. I may have to reread your tutorial this weekend and use up some scraps. :)

  17. Your journals are fabulous. Love the one with the flower & butterfly embroidery.
    The Vanilla quilt is stunning. So elegant and peaceful.

  18. I definitely love the purple frames on the vanilla quilt. It's quite luscious. And I just love all of your journal covers. Each one is its own creative journey and they look "fun" if you know what I mean. :-)

  19. Pretty! I am loving the nine patch and the backing fabric is just perfect. Your journals are so great. I bet they would make nice gifts and you have provided us with a nice tutorial. I need to add them to my to do list.

  20. Hi Wanda,
    Wow to making most of those journal covers while doggedly pursuing your "thing of the day" list.

    I like all your journal covers and have a few of my own planned for Christmas gifts. Truly a one-of-a-kind item.

    That vanilla quilt is starting to work on me. And that backing! I had to do a double take as those buttons on the back almost look real!
    Vicky F

  21. Your vanila quilt looks very soothing... I like it.

  22. Thank you so much for the journal cover tutorial and all the wonderful, inspiring photos of your beautiful journals. I'm just gonna have to try one!

    I love that flannel quilt! And the border fabric is just perfect.

    And your vanilla quilt is so peaceful and elegant. Very different color-wise from your usual exuberance!

  23. Your journal covers are just great. I have started to collect selvages. You can see my first selvage works, pincusions, in my blog.


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