
Wednesday, August 12, 2009


I don't know, it is still BEIGE!
I started out with my original plan layout, the radiant 9 patch. If I take it down and try something else I will not come back to this layout again (too much work). I have a shadow from on the top left from a pipe in front of the window and the light fixture. This one still needs tweaking at the corners and edges if I stay with it. I will leave it now and go back and look at it after lunch.
Any opinions??


  1. Seems to me that this one would be better if it had a focal point in the center of some sort and "faced" out to the edges.I love the edges, but the center just leaves you hanging so to speak. Not sure if this helps.....

  2. Tons of work on this one! Maybe some machine appliqued flowers in the center area to liven it up? How about buttons?

  3. The center seems very washed out. Maybe create a smaller quilt without some of the truly "white" ones? Or Kate's idea?

  4. The white in the center seems "off" to me...when I block it out with my hand the rest of the quilt looks so good.
    (I can't believe I'm even commenting because I love your work so much)!

  5. I agree -- the white is too white! i do love the concept though, and the colors you've added are beautiful. How about another "blob" of blocks with color in the middle?

  6. Mix all the pieces up like a D.Q. Blizzard. This one is fun and I know you will come up with a stunning layout to make all of us sigh.


  7. I really do like the way this "radiates". But with light, light fabric in the center, it seems natural to expect some applique to be showcased in that perfect place. Another idea would be to eliminate the lightest of the blocks in the center, and replace them with one big pieced block...something different than the other blocks, and with a lot of contrast. It would be a strong focal point for the quilt.

  8. I like Beena's idea. Having a focal point would be good. Or like others said--have it radiating outward, starting with color in the center and changing to light as you reach the edges.

  9. I'm with everyone else. The center just seems like ab empty spot. I do love it's "beige-ness" though. It just needs something added to that big white space. Maybe there are too many very white patches. They need to be reduced to only a few scattered towards the center?

  10. I would be inclined to scatter those "white" blocks around so there's less of the sort of white blob effect. I like the ideas of scattering them all around or starting with the colour in the centre and and radiating out to the lightest of the blocks.

  11. I like the idea that you should scatter the blocks more. Not have all the lights in the middle.

  12. I understand why you started out with the layout the way you have ~ but the center dies on the vine.

    If this were mine, I'd go with a scrappy, all-over, mixed-up layout so that the super lights don't scream so loudly from the center.

    Maybe lean to a quasi-random alternating of beige and not-so-beige blocks if totally random doesn't appeal?

    And perhaps a few more soft greens to liven it up and emphasize the soft floral colors (replacing the most bland beiges)~ going for more of a gentle garden feel?

    Enjoy the journey!

  13. Okay, I disagree a with most of the previous comments. I love the light whites. I think it adds a luminosity to the quilt. If you had more I would suggest starting dark in the center and moving out (opposite of what you have). Or you could create smaller pockets of the light white throughout the quilt? So same idea as what you have, but repeated over three areas instead of the entire quilt top? You could try that more randomly or in a striped effect?
    Good luck!

  14. I like it, especially the very beigy bits in the middle!

  15. I like the beigey-ness, and think you should embrace it. But, you're right, this "organized" layout is meh. If it were mine i'd just mix all the blocks together and go for a scrappy look. From afar it might look like a faded tapestry of sorts.

  16. Consider quilting in a deeper color to make the brightness less obvious, and bind in a deeper shade yet to accentuate the light to dark gradations taken.

  17. I'm inclined to agree with Cheryl and Margaret on this. A reverse of the current layout, with the darker blocks in the middle (granted, not as practical to have the lighter blocks scattered at the edges...) and some elaborate quilting in darker thread could really be quite lovely.

  18. I would try pulling some of the lights out of the middle and swapping them with some of the mediums that are closer to the border. jmho

  19. OK, I'm going against the general opinion. It's not your style, it's not exuberant enough for you but it has it's own subtle beauty.
    Like you, I love working with colour, loads of it, but unlike you, I like to live with subtlety and this is perfect as is.

  20. Somehow the center seems a bit too light, & a little unbalanced to me.
    I would rearrange them a little, in the center.
    However, I am sure the effect is much nicer in the flesh so to say. However you finish it, it will be lovely.

  21. Wanda,
    It looks like a challenging project to change but I like the idea of appliquing flowers in the center to add more color to the center. It is a soft quilt but beautiful in its own way. I am sure you will come up something that will solve the part that you are not happy with.
    Hope you are totally recovered from the Migraine.

  22. I am drawn to soft monochromatic quilts, and I really like this. It's elegant! But I also would scatter the whitest blocks around a bit more in the center.

    I don't think you could make a blah quilt if you tried.

  23. I agree on 2 points...the white, white needs to come out and some sort of applique in the center. But, the first 5 rows all the way around are great! I hope we're not depressing're work is always great.

  24. Perhaps try fewer of the really white blocks, or have them make a more uniform shape in the middle? I also like the idea of an opposite layout with dark in the center going to light. I have confidence you will come up with something you'll enjoy.

  25. I am sure by now you have it all rearranged on that wall into another arrangement. How large are these 285 blocks? It looks huge. You have gotten many good ideas. I'm with the people who think the middle is too light. What about a colorful middle, then start over with the lights? It will be interesting to see what you do.

  26. The problem with the white in the middle is that it reads as a hole. My first idea was to reverse it, put the darks in the middle and then work outward toward light. But you have too many darks. (Here's where there's an advantage to working on the floor.) I'd scatter the light areas and work the darks away from them. Think of a wave, or the way mountains look from the air. I think you really need to let loose with this. Play with it and see where you end up.

    Good luck.

  27. I think you should leave it alone! I do not think that you should change the center. I like the way my eye is drawn to the center; it's like the center of the universe and then radiates out from there. I love it!

  28. I'm not sure this is any help or not so take it with a grain of salt, okay? The really light nine patches seem (to me) really pale compared to the rest of the quilt. There's about 4 or 5 that seem too light. Would it be possible to make that many more in just slightly darker tones?

  29. Okay, me again. Or make some more of the darker ones for a smaller "beige" center. I saw a glowing nine patch (I think it was called) at a quilt show and it really did gradually fade out. It was amazing. These are MY colors. I love it.


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