
Sunday, July 5, 2009

The top is sewn together...........

It measures 66" x 78" which is a large throw size. Since a twin mattress is 75" long this wouldn't qualify as a twin quilt. I could add borders. The fabric to the left of the top is the backing fabric. I bought it on sale for less than $5 a yard on one of equilter's good sales in March. I knew I was going to make a yellow quilt some day.
Here is one fabric I tried for a border. It is more orange than gold and has a painterly look like a batik but it is not a batik.
I am undecided whether it needs a border right now.
While I was cutting the squares for the quilt top I also cut 1.5", 2" and 2.5" strips. Altogether I cut up 12 yards of fabric. Now the yellows fit on the shelf better.
I also cut the selvage off each 17" length before I cut the squares and strips. The short pieces are mostly selvages without words or color dots that were left after cutting the 6.5" squares from a strip.
Fireworks are illegal in IL but you would never know if from all the noise coming from back yards. A couple booms were extremely loud like I imagine that dynamite would sound like. I just don't see what the thrill is making all of that noise. I sound like a little old lady don't I?


  1. Your quilt is swimming in sunshine...I just love the color yellow!

  2. your quilt is so nice and sunny. I would use the backing fab for the borders and the leftover strips etc make into a pieced back.
    just my two cents worth.
    nice work!

  3. That quilt is so lovely! So summer and sunny and happy!

    I agree with you about the fireworks... our neighbors across Rt. 23 must have spent thousands of dollars up in Wisconsin, judging by the "display" they were shooting off last night! ~ Jennie

  4. Well if you sound like and old lady, then I am an old lady too. The fireworks in my neighborhood were horrendously loud.

    Love your yellow quilt. I wonder where you got the inspiration for an all yellow quilt (grin!)

    Those selvages are calling my name!

  5. Love the quilt and I like the idea of a border.What about a darker orange inner border and then either of the borders you have.

    I admit that I love fireworks. My neighbor across the street (we are on 10 acre lots so it's not terribly close) always does a nice fireworks display "for me" at every major holiday.

  6. The brightness of the yellows is so radiant, it will bring out the sun every day! I think it doesn't need an edge, the binding might do. -- Yes, I agree with you about fireworks. In our country it is legal only during the days before New Year's eve, but the kids keep a stash to continue it until February. I don't like that at all. I lost most of my hearing ability on my right ear through an event like this, a stupid "joke", I don't need another.

  7. This is such an airy, sunny summer spread. I think I'd eliminate the border idea and keep the quilt light. Besides, the sooner you finish, the sooner you can nap under it

  8. What a warm joyous quilt!
    I'm so Glad I wasn't in NYC last night, those fireworks on tv where right near us on the Hudson river.... imagine a half hour of them blasting off 100's of them! My dogs would have been jumping out of their skin!!!

  9. I would only put a border around the quilt top if you want it larger than a throw.
    I love fireworks but we go to see the display at the park where the people who know what they are doing are in charge :) too many accidents when you are doing it yourself it seems.

  10. I like the border on the left. It is different enough to make a "break" for the wonderful center design.

  11. So isn't it about time to do something with selvages? lol
    I don't mind the fireworks that are pretty in the sky,but U don't see the point of the ones that just make noise. We have a neighbor who actually lights a few "homemade" ones every year made out of gunpowder. I think every year he is going to kill himself.

  12. Happy Blogiversary. Your yellow quilt is beautiful.

  13. I really like that painterly fabric for a border if you decide to add one!
    I have always thought that people should leave the fireworks displays to the professionals. Outside of those, I think they are just annoying, dangerous, and plain lame. Yes...quiet lame! LOL!!!!!

  14. It looks great. The other day my 10 year old niece was snuggling under a simple quilt made of squares - it is her favorite quilt! Such a simple piece, but so many different looks! I like the border fabric to the right... it almost looks like it has a very narrow inner border of orange - must just be the fabric design, but it does seem to compliment the quilt nicely without being overpowering.

  15. I really like that quilt. I think the border shown on the left is really good with it, not so crazy about the one shown to the right. I love yellow, but lots of quilters seem to avoid it.

  16. I recognize that daffodil print! Yellow is one of my favorite colors too. May have to make one for myself, to help ward off the grayness of fall and winter (and spring usually) around here ;- )

  17. I vote no border and maybe the dark green or brown that is in the sunflower print as the binding. That would really be a better frame. JMO


  18. Hi Wanda,
    You probably have your mind made up already, but I like the fabric on the left of the quilt if you have a border; it seems to compliment the colors better.

    My poor cat is sick of firework booms; for the past week we have heard random M-80 "bombs" and it sends the kitty to the dark reaches of the basement. Keeps the humans on edge, too.
    Vicky F

  19. What a wonderfully cheerful quilt! I vote for no borders. I think some quilts just do not need a border at all.
    I'm thankful that here fireworks displays are only put on at specific spots and are overseen by some sort of an authority. Otherwise, we'd have two terrified kitties!

  20. Yellow is my favourite colour, & I love this quilt top! I like the border, love the backing fabric.
    How quickly it went from being fabric to a quilt top!!

  21. Whew~ this is something to go back this far and leave a comment I did not realize I missed out on so much.

    Now that I have seen the finished quilt your expertize with selection of fabrics is always at its best.


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