
Saturday, July 4, 2009

This is my 822nd post and my 2nd Blogiversary..........

Two years ago today I started my blog. I wasn't sure I would want to do it but I wanted a way to document my creative endeavors as well as the progress in my flower gardens. I have found it to be so fulfilling to be in touch with so many people with common interests. Thank you readers for all of your emails and comments so we could have conversations.

I decided to go for instant gratification on my yellow quilt. I cut 6.5" squares and divided them into lighter and darker values.
I laid them out on the lids from a couple of my big bins and put them on the wall in the same order each time. I had one extra light so I have put it in now and then instead of the one that would have been there. I was hoping for a kind of checkerboard look but there weren't enough value changes for that to work.

I have a few more rows to go but it was time for bed at midnight.


  1. I think it is beautiful! There is contrast but subtle and I like it.

  2. Happy blog anniversary! I'm pleased you have kept going as you have been so helpful and inspirational. Love the yellows - very uplifting!

  3. Happy Blogiversary! I know you say that your blog has enriched your life but it has enriched mine and many others, too.
    I like the yellow blocks even if there isn't enough contrast. After a crummy week and a gray morning it was nice to see something cheerful! Keep those blogs coming, Wanda!

  4. the quilt is full of sunshine! I enjoy your blog - your plants, flowers and of course the quilts!

  5. I love yellow quilts! Happy Blogiversary!

  6. Happy Blog Anniversary!
    I love your yellow quilt. Think how cheerful that would be to curl up under in the winter! Instant sunshine and feeling of warmth.

  7. Lovely! You have the rare ability to take simple patterns and make them shine!

  8. It looks so warm and inviting! I just want to curl up in it like a cat in a ray of sunshine!

  9. Happy 2 year Blog Anniversary!!!
    Love your blog and your quilts. You give me inspiration to keep on trying my ideas for quilts.
    Love the yellow I want to SMILE!!

  10. Hi Wanda, Happy Anniversary! I always enjoy visiting your blog. I don't always comment but I always visit. Your work is beautiful and so well executed. I enjoy seeing the peeks into the world outside your door. Here is to many more blogoversaries! Chris

  11. Happy Blogiversary! I love yellow and this one is very very happy....sometimes they don't need any rhyme or reason.

  12. Love the yellows .... I love the Sun and Summer.

    Happy Bloggie Anniversary too.

  13. Happy anniversary of your great blog. Love the yellows!

  14. Congratulations on the anniversary of your blog. I read every post and love what you do with fabric!

  15. Happy 2nd anniversary Wanda. Thank you for sharing your wonderful projects and the lovely garden pictures, they are so uplifting. Your yellow quilt looks like a field of sunflowers growing in their rows. Very nice, bright and happy.

  16. Happy Blogiversary! I'm so glad you started this endeavor as I love reading your process for creating so many wonderful quilts. I've also enjoyed the garden sharing, but mostly I focus on the quilts. You are quite the prolific quilter! Here's to many more years of sharing. :-) Thank you.

  17. I am so glad you started your blog as well! Congrats on two years. You have been such an inspiration to me and I look forward to many more posts with tons of quilty goodness to inspire me. Your yellow quilt is just beautifully happy.

  18. Happy Anniversary!

    And oooohhh - pretty pretty quilt.

  19. Congrats on your blogiversary! And Happy 4th of July!
    Looks like you celebrated by making a quilt that reflects your garden. Very pretty.
    Vicky F

  20. What a happy and sunshine filled quilt. Just the right thing to celebrate your anniversary. I too feel priviledged and glad to have gotten to know you through blogging.

  21. Wow, 2 years? Time has flown by. Love visiting your blog and keeping track of your projects and of course getting inspiration!

  22. Happy blogiversary... I enjoy your blog and to see how much you accomplish as a quilter. It's always a shot of inspiration for me! Love the gold quilt :)

  23. Happy Anniversary to you! The blogosphere is a better place because of you and your quilts!

  24. Amen to all that every reader says, and thank you. The posts always encourage, and the quilts always inspire.

    It is gray here today, so this yellow one is a sunbeam for me!

    Hugs and have a great day!

  25. Hi Wanda, Happy 4th of July! Hope you are having
    a restful day! What are you doing up till midnight
    and posting at 6 AM ? Happy Anniversery ! Can't believe it's been 2 years! You continue to amaze
    and enlighten all of us! Have a great day! jmh

  26. Congrats on 2 years of blogging. Love the yellow sunflowers prints.

  27. Congratulations on your 2nd Blogiversary! Love all the yellows you have in your new quilt. It is very bright and cheerful. Makes me think of sunflowers. Happy 4th of July.

  28. Happy Blogiversary! I love your yellow's so bright and cheerful!!

  29. Happy blog anniversary. I have read all your blogs for most of that time and learned so much and have been inspired by so many of your quilts. Thank you for these 2 years. How do you go to sleep after messing with quilting until midnight? I need at least a hour down time. Roberta

  30. Congratulations on your 2nd blogiversary. I am very glad that you started blogging because I love to see your creations! Love the yellows!

  31. 822 posts in 2 years. Wow, I am impressed. And I already loved reading your blog, I just didn't realize how often I was reading it. And, I love your very simple but beautiful yellow quilt.

  32. Love this citrus checkerboard!
    And happy blog-o-versary!

  33. The Blogosphere is much richer for your being part of it -- congratulations on your blogging anniversary!

  34. Happy blog-o-versary!!! Thank you for sharing the love of colorful fabric, and all the inspiring things you do with your batics! Love your monochrome yellow quilt! And please keep sharing...

    ; ))

  35. Happy Anniversary Wanda and a heartfelt thank you. Your creativity and skill iwth color is inspiring! I feel I learn more from your blog than reading a dozen books on quilting and/or color, written so a layman can understand. Here's to many more anniversaries. Oh, I love the garden photos and information too, another interest we share. :-)

  36. I am really really really happy you blog. I check your blog every day, even though I don't always comment.

    Congratulations on your 2 year blogoversary.

  37. Happy anniversary! I haven't been coming here long, but I've really enjoyed reading your blog.

    Love what you did with your yellow fabrics. For a traditional setting, it really has a contemporary feel. Very pretty!

  38. I enjoy reading your blog! Congrats on your 2-year blogaversary! From a fellow Illinoisan.....

  39. Congratulations! You have an interesting blog, and it's nice to know that there is always a new post. It's been wonderful following your "journal".

  40. This is so bright and happy. You plan things out so well. Perfect


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