
Thursday, July 2, 2009

Gray (grey?) can be beautiful...............
No I'm not talking about my hair although I am getting grayer every day and I don't mind it so far. What I'm talking about is this fabric. It is a sateen weave fabric so it has a sheen. It is probably close to 20 years old and I also have it in deep rosy red and I think I sold my green piece. This is another case of photographs not doing it justice because it is beautiful with the soft sheen. This is one of the many things I had to move off my cutting table today. An 89 year old quilting friend is coming over this morning to have me cut her setting triangles for her.
I didn't go out until it was starting to get dark to take pictures of my hydrangeas. I can see I need to tie up some of the branches on this one in front of my house.
I dug a little side shoot off about 4 years ago and planted it in this back garden. It has finally taken off and has flowers this year, but much smaller flowers than the one in front. There are 4 different coral bells (Huchera) and 2 different seedum, 2 different hardy geranium and 2 different hostas, and coneflowers in this picture. There are also a few weeds next to the house. It has taken awhile to figure out what will thrive in this little garden outside my back picture window.


  1. I absolutely love gray fabrics and buy them every time I see them. Still haven't done anything with them though!

  2. Yes....grey/gray is good. I recently bought some fat quarters that were all grey/gray or had grey/gray in them...I'm really kind of liking them.....oh...I am liking your flowers and greenery too...especially your Hostas!!

  3. The fabric is gorgeous..however you spell it! And the flowers are beautiful!

  4. That fabric has a strong painterly feel to it. Love it.

    Your garden is looking beautiful, my hydrangeas are just buds so far.

  5. Gosh not only are you an excellent quilter but an excellent gardener as well!:) I'm jealous!:) As for the gray/grey material, I like that color too and have several fat quarters with that color in them. Notice I say fat quarters and not quilts!!

    Kay in Kansas

  6. I have a stash of gray fabric for applique dolphins.
    And I have a stash of gray hair that tells me I'm a Mom!!!

    The flowers in that fabric are huge, if I'm looking at that ruler right. This fabric looks like it would be great in a crazy quilt or for clothing, with its sheen and large scale print. Very pretty. As are your flowers!

  7. I love your fabric and also your garden. Everything looks great!

  8. I enlarged your gray piece. It is absolutely beautiful.

    And your hydrangia's are gorgeous! Wish they were mine.


  9. Those plants all look very happy to be together.
    Love the grey fabric. I had a dress made in some sateen -it's colours were Autumn, & I wish I had kept the scraps after I made it.


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