
Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Getting ready for the demo............
Tonight is the preview demo for the Strips 'n Curves class at the local quilt shop. I have batches of 8 fabrics, 4 fabric and 2 fabrics that will all be sewn together for one strata. I need to show how it is assembled from 2's into 4's and 4's into 8's until it is all sewn together. I have another strata all sewn together from another group of fabrics to demo the cutting around the templates. I won't be using the rotary cutter that is laying there holding the strips open. You need the little 28mm or 18mm cutter for ease on the tight curves.
The strips in this picture are from 1998. I cut a bunch of Christmas fabric into 1.5" strips and 2" squares. I used some of the 2" squares here but had never used the strips. I am always happy to find strips already cut when I want to start a project.


  1. Do you use her special ruler in your classes? I have one of her books but haven't tried anything from it yet.

  2. I love that technique. Tthe quilts look so complicated. Hope you have fun with your class.

  3. Love your strada, I made one of those quilts and they are just so much fun to arrange.

  4. I made a quilt from this book (old post: COMPLEMENTS) and I made my own templates. I'm such a cheap skate. Its a fun one to make. I purchased her new book too but haven't tried one yet.

  5. Beautiful strip set. I hope you post the end results for us!

  6. Are you demoing to help them sell the book, or are you teaching a class?

  7. I too hope you will post the completed piece. Fabrics are wonderful, as they always are.


    p.s. it was much fun catching up with all your posts that I missed in the past several days.

  8. Nice strata. I have this book and haven't tried it either, but your posts may get me motivated (which they almost always do)!!

  9. I wish I lived closer and could see your demo. Are you organizing a class, too? I have wanted to make a Strips n Curves quilt for a long while. It is one of the quilts on my "To Do" list.

  10. Another Strips and Curves, I just love them! I am sure your students will learn a lot from you. You have had such wonderful results.

  11. ha ha talk about finding something neat!


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