
Wednesday, July 15, 2009

The demo went well..........
and the class starts next week. I have 8 students so I broke it into 2 classes again. The maximum number of students to work comfortably in the classroom is 5 so with 4 in each class they will have a lot of elbow room. I will be teaching on Tuesdays and Fridays for 2 weeks. In the demo I cut into this strata and pieced one block to show how the seams line up.
I only use one pin to match centers.
We had the most beautiful day, warm but not too warm, and low humidity. I'll take some more of those please.


  1. It's so hard to be you used just one pin! Your work is gorgeous. I really enjoy reading your blog

  2. This is gorgeous!!! Your fabric choices are just gorgeous!!!!

  3. Fantastic this block. I never sew a curved block, but now I get the idea. Thanks. Here it's very cold, now 7ºC, and high humidity. We are in the south of Brazil. Hugs

  4. are you making a whole quilt out of the stripes in the drunkards path pattern? it will be great if you do.

  5. One pin?? Wow!
    I love curved piecing -- with these stripes it is incredibly effective!

  6. Yummy! This is a truly wondrous combo of fabrics you picked, and executed in a great curvaceous design! Will we get to see a full quilt from this????

  7. I love how you limit the number of students ... too many teachers try to cram in more than there are physically room for and then no one goes away happy. LOVE the sample block ... can't wait to see more!

  8. Oh no Wanda - you cause me to always buy MORE fabric! LOL - I've wanted to do this block for years every since I saw Ms. Smith do it! What a beauty - but I'm NOT going to do it, I'm NOT going to do it, I'm NOT ....

    ...but you KNOW how I love those strip techniques ...

  9. I love this pattern. I may just have to do it again.

  10. Wanda, your use of color is just stunning -- and very enlivening! I think Kaffe should be talking to you soon about being in his next book!!

  11. I love that light to dark thing! Nice!

  12. That is seriously impressive... that's olympic level piecing there!

  13. REALLY ONE PIN? So you have me with my nose pressed against the screen to see how miraculous those seams match up.

    Fabrics are fabulous also.


  14. Hi Wanda,
    Gorgeous demo block.
    Any hints for how you choose your colors for getting the look you want? (Maybe it's all in the book, but I bet you have your own take on it).
    I like the moderate temperatures, too.
    Vicky F

  15. Only one pin!!! WOW I couldn't do that. I love the way the block turned out.

  16. The block is beautiful. Are you going to give us a tutorial? I would love it.

  17. Beautiful! The colors...well, I know you and colors well always know the best combinations! It is so great that you had so many students..and being in summer, I think that is exceptional. I know that's been talked about before but still, I am very impressed

  18. You are amazing. My block would not look like that, well maybe after a bit of seam ripping. I'm loving your exuberant color again! Thanks for the demo too.


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