
Thursday, June 18, 2009

Two more not so great choices...........
I guess the stripe is not at the same angle on each side of the V in the fabric. This one is enough to make you dizzy if you look at it too long.
I know the blue lovers will probably like this choice and it really is a little more periwinkle in real life. Even thought the blocks pop on it, I don't think it adds anything to it. I think my choice is going to be a white background fabric unless something else magically appears in my stash and says "use me".
Here are the flowers on my windowsill in my country kitchen. The coreopsis has such a sweet smell.
I have 8 students in my double 4 patch class which starts on Fri. afternoon. Most of the time I can't fill any classes and end up cancelling everything. I hope this is a new wave of interest in classes. I will have more time to teach now. Mother was the one with all of the appointments. Dad has one next week but probably won't have more than one a month or less if he continues the way he has been in the past. At 95 he only takes one prescription, for his thyroid.


  1. I'm really enjoying this process! I agree, neither of these rock me. I am still stuck on the black and whites.

    Gosh, I wish I only took one medication! My FIL is like that. He's 92.

  2. I think, now that you have recorded all of your fabric auditions in this blog, you can take a second and third look at all of them. By process of elimination, you may find one that just works for you. I won't tell you my choice because I wasn't asked and it isn't my quilt.
    How wonderful to be virtually medication-free at the age of 95! He must have great genes and lived a healthy lifestyle.

  3. Not that you're actually asking for opinions, but I still really like the black with white.

  4. IMHO all of the fabrics you tried have competed with the blocks and were strong designs. What about a solid print?

  5. I thought you welcomed "opinions"! You always know that the quilt is yours and you're the final authority!
    That stripe isn't at all what I had suggested, but when I looked at the Kaffee fabrics avail. nothing seemed appropriate.
    I just love looking at all you possibilities!

  6. I like the stripey one best. It really is a task to get the right background, but when you do, you'll know it. You have really good color/pattern instinct. This project may need to marinate for a while before it tells you the answer.

  7. Have you tried solid black or is it too strong?

  8. Well, darn. I guess I was thinking of a thinner stripe.

    My own dad is 93 and takes only one med; for myself, I've made it to my 69th year and, like your dad, it's only a thyroid replacement med I take. Sure saves on the budget.

    I agree that it might be time to put this one away for a little bit.

  9. Wow -- your dad is so fortunate to be so healthy!
    I still like the white with the random black squares for the background -- but maybe those blocks do need to sit for a while.

  10. Surprisingly the blue did not make the cut for me either and I am one of those blue lovers. Knowing how big your stash is I just know it will turn into one of your beauties. And we will all applaud your final choice.

    Photo of flowers makes me smile.


  11. Oh - the joys of some quilts. I wonder if you used the strip horizontally instead of diagonally?

  12. See, and I love the stripe. Maybe I'm just partial to that particular fabric. I like the way it goes in different directions. Maybe a stripe still, but one that makes it looks like the blocks are floating on it? Or maybe that is the issue, the blocks always look like they're floating on a background? Not a bad thing, but definitely a design issue.
    Thanks for letting us be a part of the design process.
    PS Now you are going to have to do something with all these fabrics you've cut to audition!

  13. Oh, please, not the stripes. The blue is great.

  14. What I like about the blue is how it lets the blocks be the stars. (I'm one who likes blue, in the right place and in the right shade).

    Keep auditioning ~ you'll know when you find the right one! (I also like the way the black with white spots stays 'behind' the blocks instead of asserting itself as the star player).

    Thanks for letting us watch over your shoulder!

  15. I love watching you audition all these fabric choices. What a struggle it can be sometimes! going back and looking at all the different ones I find myself really liking the black with white spots. But, as always, you will pick the one that makes it yours!

  16. Those lucky students, taking your class.

  17. Love the pink stripe. I have to agree with you on the blue, very cold.

    Love, LOVE all the blocks, though.

  18. You keep changing your mind. I know that's the fun of doing the layout.I still like the black and white.

  19. Hi Wanda
    Well, the stripe fabric isn't horrible, but it does try to steal the show.
    Looking back, the two white fabrics with black tiny squares (that look like dots from afar) make the quilt blocks look "fresher".
    So fun to watch your tryouts.
    Vicky F

  20. This is so much fun! I'm still liking the black and white.

  21. Should be a great just never know what will appeal.

    I still like the white with green dots the a broken record.

  22. I'm so glad I don't have to make the decision! I'm glad your class is so big...and in the summer! Great! Hats off to your Dad...I'm over 45 years younger and no way so healthy!! He's doing something right!

  23. Wanda, I have never seen coreopsis so large, beautiful!

    My grandmother is 105 and only took thyroid and aspirin once a day until she was 100. I hope I am so lucky. I inherited the thyroid problem too.

  24. What a lovely scene there--the flowers in vases in the window. I wonder how many 95 year-old men or women are only taking one pill a day. Have a lovely Sunday Wanda. I'm off to QSDS this morning with both excitement and nervousness.


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