
Friday, June 19, 2009

Getting ready for another class........
Today I will teach the first session of Double 4 patch. I have a lot of short ends that I have sewn together for demonstrating the 4 patches. I line the first one up with the bottom edge touching a line on the mat.
Then I stack each one on top lining up the bottom edge on the next line so they are all staggered and no seams are on top of each other. I will now slice off a clean up cut and then 2.5" segments. It is never more than 4 thicknesses even when going over seams.
We had rain a couple times yesterday but missed out on the heavy storms that Iowa had.


  1. That method is pretty fool proof. I love it! I really like your earthy colors too. We have been having lots of rain too. Kind of a drab cool spring. I hope summer comes soon.

  2. I really like those colors together - nice and reminds one of nature.

  3. The ones on the bottom don't shift? I'm guessing not or you wouldn't use this method (!), but do you do something to be sure that doesn't happen?

  4. Hope you have a fun class today!

    I love the selection of strips here. Great batiks.

  5. I was thinking, OH what an awesome idea! I can do that when I cut my strips crosswise! Then I remembered my cutting mat doesn't have a grid on it. D'oh!

    Awesome idea, thanks!

  6. What a great idea!
    The fabrics you've got in those strip sets are yummy!

  7. I love this combo... the spotted green looks like it has a fringe on it, and the one below that, golden earthy with swirls... is that still available? I would love a yard or two!

  8. How bout today's storms, Wanda?

    The one about 10am had wind, rain, hail, lots of flashes and boomers. Then another one came thru about hail with this one.

  9. Thanks for the free tutorial! Sharing with all of us that live to far away too take your class. Fun fabrics you have combined.


  10. Hi Wanda,
    That looks like an accurate way to cross-cut the strips. In the past I had stacked the sewn strips and the cuts were "iffy".
    Hope you're keeping mostly dry.
    Vicky F

  11. I'm like Vicky. Stacking the strips got me less than accurate segments. Your way is so much better. Thanks for the lesson. I always learn so much from you!

  12. Nice matched the rainy day on which you worked with them!


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