
Saturday, June 27, 2009

Two more hours of garage sale.......
There definitely weren't very many shoppers out yesterday for the garage sales. We heard later that a couple subdivisions had big neighborhood sales. I did get rid of a lot of stuff but not for big bucks. I did sell Dad's chair and ottoman and a little bookcase of his as well as almost all of Mother's kitchen stuff. In the picture yesterday what looked like fabric was record albums. I had a little fabric in the sale but not much.

At 1 I had to be at the store for the second class of the Double 4 patch. I didn't realize until I was ready to post this picture that the student is dressed to match her quilt.
Debbie used a lot of older fabrics for a wonderful colorful version.
I helped on the shopping for the fabric on this next one and the colors worked beautifully.
There are soft muted greens in this one to give a little lift to the brown and beiges. I gave Lisa an assortment of fabrics to mix in with the ones she already had and it is turning out great. There is a lot of texture to some of the prints.
I have the second half of the Strip Pieced Kaleidoscope class for the second bunch of ladies today. I will have the garage sale open from 8-10 and then teach from 10:30-2. There are only 2 ladies left in this class because one switched to the Tues. class for class 2. They should be able to get a lot done today.
One front came through and dropped the humidity yesterday and last night cooled down enough to open the windows overnight. Today is supposed to be hot and more humid again and then they promise a nice week next week in the low 80's. This past week has been way too hot for me.


  1. Hi Wanda, Just getting caught up on my blog reading. We actually escaped the rain here and went to PA and enjoyed some sunshine for 2 days! Now we are back and it is still dreary and rainy. When will the sun ever come out?? I really like the progress on the kaleidoscopes, they are all very original. The double four patch is fantastic. I am glad you had some takers on the garage sale, as that is so much work.

  2. and that's why I hate yard sales. Sometimes they are good, sometimes they are not but they are always a LOT of work. I love the quilts from your class. The one with the little bit of green is my favorite.

  3. I hope the cooler weather will reach to Arkansas. sorry you didn't make big bucks at your garage sale - they are in my opinion more trouble than they are worth most of the time.

  4. Thanks so much for sharaing everyone's projects. It really is interesting to see the different fabrics each person used. Totally different looks.

  5. The quilts are so pretty. I love to see how their colors all come together, that is part of the fun!

  6. Hope you are able to sell more today at your garage sale. And have a fun class!

    I can certainly empathize with you about the heat, as I live in Florida and we've been getting scorched. It was a real treat for me to stay in all day yesterday, and not get in and out of the hot car which nearly killed me the day before.

  7. I love that brown and teal version - gosh I might have to use that in a traditional for myself - very cool!

  8. Now how in the world did I get 5 whole posts behind??? Well, I'm all caught up now...I loved seeing the quilts....garage sale....yes...been there done that!

  9. What a fun quilt, each version is delightful! I personally like the blue and brown combo, but all are fabulous!

  10. I have a set of pink and brown four patches that I have been wondering what to do with. They are scrappy, but still might work in the double four patch design. I'll have to think about that. Thanks for the inspiration.

  11. How terrific that you have been able to offset a less than fun garage sale with a class filled with such nice color combos!

    Our weather is cool, windy, and still not enough rain to get the crops to germinate. Serious drought conditions here.

  12. Wonderful pattern and colours!

  13. Love seeing people's different versions of the same quilt. Have to say I like the turquoise and brown one and how nice that it matched her outfit!

    Glad to hear you got rid of some big furniture pieces. That is always a good thing.

    It was very hot here too. Now it is in the low 80's and that is much better.

  14. garage sales are tough...especially in the heat. i did a goodwill run mom said i should have done a sale, but like you said...lots of work. love the quilts from your class...especially that blue/brown one.

  15. Love these too. Its the fabric choices that make these quilts.

  16. Oooh! I love that teal one. Pretty pretty!


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