
Sunday, June 14, 2009

One more choice...........
I won't have time to work on this again until late in the day tomorrow, so I tried one more mixed setting tonight.
You can see with the close up that they are squares, not dots. In this version there is the organized rows fabric and then the random assortment of squares in the other fabric.
I now have piles like this of 6 different fabrics.
I won't post again until tomorrow night or Tues. morning but I want to hear what all of you think of the choices in these last 3 posts.


  1. what if the background fabric is black with white squares. That might make the rest of the color really pop.

  2. Are you sure you want to use something as graphic as dots with the colors in your blocks?
    I'm just getting a negative response to all of them from the pictures. I realize in person the effect might be totally different.

  3. I think this has a lot of energy, but teh black with white dots makes the colored blocks pop more. However, for a rich Kaffe-ness, I actually would have stopped with the berry and orange dots or the lime on white. This is a great exercise though -- I don't think I would have had the stick-to-it-iveness you have! Have you tried using two or three of your warm dots together, or several of the cool ones?

  4. If black and white at all, I'd prefer the black with small white dots, because it is like a night sky behind the bright frames. In the latest pictures, the pattern distracts from the frames, I think. How about a blue background?

  5. ... and would it be possible to fix an uncut cloth behind the frames? (What will you do with all those cuts?)

  6. Somehow I like the black with white the best.

  7. Yes I like the black with white.

  8. I know this is contrary to everyone else but I absolutely love this version with the different blacks on whites.

  9. I love the quilts that you make and the wonderful colors you use. But how in the world are you going to sew this together? Do you use set in seams or am I missing something simpler?

  10. I like the black with white as first choice, then the top one in this post. (I purposely did NOT read what the others said so I wouldn't be influenced.)

  11. Hmm after reading the others, I am curious also. HOW are you going to put it all together?

  12. The black with white dots really makes the blocks come to life. Some of the other background fabrics seem to be fighting with the blocks orjust blend in with them.

  13. When I scroll through them all, the black and the black/white seem to make the blocks stand out more. The white seems to take my eye off the blocks.
    I can't wait to see what YOU choose!

  14. Black and white, definitely.

  15. Hi Wanda,
    Your new mix with the black squares on white and black dots on white do strike me as a fun, cheerful choice.
    vicky F

  16. Okay, so my thought are the black and white. But I am not sure about the dots. I don't know what it is. I do like the black it seems to make the blocks pop. Although, what a bout just piecing them together with nothing in between them. I like that look a lot. So I guess, I am not sure that you really need to add anything. I am now done rambling.

  17. I always like black to make colors stand out so prefer the black with white dots. I like the idea of a dark blue too...

  18. I like the black with white dots best. It really makes the color in the Kaffe blocks pop. What a fun project! Thanks for sharing all the versions.

  19. I hate to be different, but....why not add strips of the fabrics you used in the adjacent block? That way you aren't introducting yet other fabrics in this vibrant quilt. It would make it more wonky, but you may not want that.

  20. Me too..I think the squares stand out best against the black and white. Looks lovely so far !
    Linda M [BC]

  21. WWKD? (what would Kafe do?

    you're not there yet, Wanda. You need something completely different; like a diagonal stripe that matches the reds in there. Or a TOT in some color.

    Right now there are two many things going on in the fabric you're trying out, I think.

  22. I really like the random black squares on white for the background. The black and white squares in a line are, for my eye, too busy and take away from the blocks but the other seems almost soft. To me, the black and white definitely is the way to go.

  23. Ok, I'm really going out on a limb here...but I say use chartreuse or a really "yellow-y" lime-green! I think it might look great!

  24. I think I agree with Jackie -- why not sew them to each other and forget the background? If you do use a background, on my monitor the black with white dots makes the blocks pop, while with the other choices they tend to blur into the background. I'm not sure it's possible to make a 'light, airy' quilt with Kaffe fabrics -- their colors and patterns are too intense to be airy. I admire you for trying! I like your willingness to experiment -- you're an inspiration.

  25. I like the idea of using strips from the adjacent blocks too, very Kaffe-like. The other thought that ocurred to me is that if you used b/w, put white with black and the top and shade to dark at the bottom. And another thought, leave the bottom as is, irregular shaped?

    But you are making the quilt, not me, and you always figure it out perfectly!

  26. It definitely needs the dark background. The black with white dots makes the squares appear to float, like in the night sky. Of all the choices, it is my favorite. You are fortunate to have many different fabrics to audition!

  27. The top photo is my favorite out of the recent posts. I have to agree with whomever said that it's 'not there yet,' though. I like the idea of using fabrics already in the blocks. Instead of putting it adjacent to the block, I might mix the fabrics in near other blocks where it would still highlight the layout.

  28. Hi Wanda.....long time no see!! I have gotten caught up with you and it seems you have been keeping busy creating lovely quilty goodness as usual. I like your top photo I think!!

  29. I like the mixed whites in this post best - although they all have different moods!

  30. I like the white with the variegated black squares.

  31. Wanda,
    I would suggest filling in with scrappy bits of fabric in color values/patterns similar to the range of colors/patterns in the blocks. And making small blocks to fill in the larger areas. I don't think any of the filler fabrics you have auditioned work in the quilt... They appear to be extraneous... JMHO...

  32. How about something with lines in all directions. I think dark, but if you want it light ok. I think the dots stop the eye. Something more diagonal and "liney" geometric might cause the background to take a back seat to the squares themselves, which I love!

  33. Ask.... and they will come whether you accept the opinions or not ... It has been fun to be a part of.


  34. Hi Wanda,
    I like the black with white background for a few reasons-
    I like how it sets off the other blocks, it gives my eyes a place to rest and the the third reason is that it makes the showcase blocks have dimensionality.
    I am sure you will find the look that you want- One thing about borders and sashings and settings - you know when you find the right one and when it isn't the look that you want.
    I went to a class once and a woman in the class said to me that she didn't think the colors I had chosen went together ( or words to that effect) and then when I added the outside borders she was surprised how nice it looked VBG
    ( damned with faint praise is all I can say about that :-) However it was a good lesson because not everyone is going to like the piece one makes or the way that you put it together but it is your own vision of your creation.
    I think this piece you are making is very fun and very interesting.
    I look forward to seeing your final choices with all those wonderful dotty fabrics.

  35. White with black is my vote! They seem to "behave and play together nicely".

  36. If it were me, I like the black with white or the white with different sized black squares. All the other ones seem to fade into the background, rather than highlight the blocks.

  37. I like the version with the white background and black squares, along with the other b/w checked fabric occasionally the best out of all the black and whites...but I still like the white with lime green dots overall.

    I suppose now you will have to make a quilt out of all the leftovers from this

  38. Before seeing any comments I thought - what about a green background? Maybe more overall green than the dots you tried. A batik or something with a mix of shades might work. If it has to be spotty then I like the white with black squares best. The orderliness of that print makes it act more like a background to my eye.

  39. Well Wanda I like the black with white dot but it may not be the light look you are looking for.. I also like the mix of the other black and white prints. This keeps it light and lets the blocks come forward. I look forward to seeing what you choose.

  40. Of the three choices I definitely like the back and white best - the blue the least.


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