
Sunday, June 14, 2009

And I thought this was going to be easy...........
I cut some black with white.
Then I cut some white with black and before I had exchanged all of the pieces, I took a picture with a little of each.
Then I finished filling in with all of the white with black.
I was thinking of this piece being light and airy and fresh looking. Although I like the black with white in the first picture I think it makes the piece look heavy. Of course I have a few more blocks to make to finish filling in at the bottom and I purposely have waited to see if they need to be lighter or darker.
I think the one with both of the prints in it confused the eye and the original layout of blocks which I think is strong, is not even noticed.
I like the white with black but I have one more fabric to cut and try.


  1. FIRST PHOTO ! ! ! Black with the white dots... makes it SING ! Not seeing it in person the photo is what I am going by. I am the first one to respond on this piece so I am first to cast my vote on this entry. (*._,*)


  2. I like the combination of the two. It seems to fit in with the many fabrics in the blocks.

  3. Try using the predominantly black one like in the first photo.
    But then, when you add your border, keep it light like with the fabric in the third photo (that you used to fill).

    You will then have attained the best of both worlds. High contrast, and light and airy!

  4. It all depends on what your mind's eye wants!

    The first photo with the black looks like the blocks are floating in the night sky ("constellation").

    The last photo looks more summery, if that is your aim.
    (I agree the middle one confuses the eye).
    Vicky F

  5. Either the black or white would be okay. But when you said 'dots' I expected a much larger dot and high contrast. Maybe a black or white with multi-colored BIG dots. ;)

  6. If you want bright and airy - white dots.
    If you want "zing" - black dots.

    If you want both - use both!!!!

  7. I like the black - it makes the random blocks stand out more to my eye. I think the lighter colors don't "pop" as much as the black.

  8. Like the all black...
    but I also like the combination of the slightly different fabrics in the all white. The combination of black and white fabrics doesn't really work for me- distracts from the blocks

  9. Put me down for the black with white.

  10. My favorite thing -- lots of auditions to look at! My two top choices: the white with black or the white with light green polka dots. Absolutely my least favorite (to my surprise, which is why auditions are so important): the black with white dots, which I think makes the quilt look dark, heavy, and uninviting.

  11. I'm liking the top photo -- black with white dots.

  12. IMHO, I think the background needs to be a print that reads more like a solid so the eye gets a rest from the beautiful blocks. Maybe a darker blue or purple.


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