
Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Snow, and more snow

I can't even remember how many days in a row we have had snow. It's all beginning to blend together in one big white blur. Today we are above freezing and huge snowflakes. My snow plowing bill is going to be huge. AND he hasn't been able to break up the rest of the ice underneath it all so I still have to go out and work on that. It seems that the city plow always goes through right after my guy plows so I have that big pile at the end of the driveway to clear too. AND it has only been winter for 4 days.

The squirrels don't mind that the snow piles up on top of the seeds. They just burrow through making little paths as they search for the seeds 2" under.
This year I invested in some cast iron cages to hold seed cakes. The first day the squirrels had managed to turn the little knob and open it up and dump the cake to the ground. I bought some of the chains that you hang bird feeders from and wove them through and through to hold it shut. Now instead of having to fill them every 2 days, I can fill them once every week or sometimes longer. The squirrels still get their little paws and teeth in and eat some of it but the birds have a better chance now.
Well it is time to go out and shovel the sidewalk and porch again. I did it twice yesterday. I wonder how many times I'll have to do it today. And all I wanted to do is cut fabric and sew.


  1. You sure are getting a LOT of extra exercise this month!

  2. It sounds like here. Although, today we are seeing just rain. It is dreary and gloomy. I wonder if that little squirrel is the same one as yesterday? I hope you get some time to sew today! Happy Holidays... and my friend LOVED the bag!

  3. We have had a lot of snowy weather too. I like the pic of the squirrel burrowing. I don't feed anything as I have cats so seems a little unfair to the birds!
    Happy Christmas Eve!

  4. I realized as I clicked out that my comment hadn't posted, but sorry if you somehow get two. Just wanted to say we've been chipping ice off the driveway, too. Forecast is for 57 on Saturday, though!

  5. Very white here too, which is mostly normal for us (Edmonton, Alberta, Canada). The temp is about -25 C.

    Take it easy on the shovel, Wanda. It is good exercise but easy to overdo. Go inside for hot chocolate and a bit of sewing in between bouts with the snow!

    blessings this Christmas Eve!

  6. Wanda, I just read your bit about the squirrels and the bird feeder to Paul--as we watched an acrobatic squirrel do similar things here yesterday.

    Thank you for your blog! I don't comment often, but I do look forward to my daily visit. As you know, I love your colors and textures and patterns. It's my cheerful 'fix' for each day.

    Wishing you a very Merry Christmas!

    Mary G.

  7. I've been having to shovel too - NOT normal here, and one of the reasons I moved away from Illinois. Hope you have a wonderful Christmas.

  8. Yes we just have to think of the snow shovelling as fresh air health and exercise, but the hot chocolate is definitely a good idea as well. Thank you for your exuberantly colourful and delightful blog and Merry Christmas. Linda M in snowy BC

  9. Is this a woodpecker? Seems so small!

  10. At least it's a white CHristmas! Merry Christmas to you and yours.

  11. Merry Snowy Christmas, Wanda. *S*

    You have way more snow than we have here. My lake must have kept some of it away. The rain over the next couple days will melt it, and we can start all over for next year.

  12. Don't work too hard in the snow, Wanda. Stay warm & dry. Thank you for brightening my world with your exuberant color each day. I wish you peace and joy for the new year.

  13. Hi Wanda,
    It has been snowing here, too. There are reports that some of the snowplows can't keep up, so they gave up at one point. Makes for interesting driving to and from work.
    Have you tried calcium chloride on your drive? It helps melt the snow but doesn't hurt the plantings.
    Merry Christmas!
    Vicky F


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