
Monday, December 1, 2008

Last November finish

I finished this one last night so I will count it in my November finishes. I need to pin the top edge better and try to get a good square photo.
We only got a little snow yesterday. We fell between the areas that got the heavier snow. On the radio this morning they were talking about black ice which is way more dangerous than the snow.


  1. I love it!! And love the close-up of the quilting. Thank you!
    We didn't get any snow. Rain, yes. Lots and lots of rain, but no snow. However, they say there's another storm headed our way that may hit Wednesday.

  2. Thanks for my daily jolt of color! When I visit your site I am never disapointed, you always have something fun and wonderful to invigorate me.
    When you use the Kaffe fabrics do you also mix in others? What "formula" do you use,in terms of scale?
    Here in California we could certainly use whatever wet weather you would like to send... very parcehd in most areas.

  3. Very nice. I agree, I'd take snow over ice any time.

  4. watch that black ice if you are out and about! love this vibrant.

  5. I love the last November quilt! Very colorful, just what you need with old man winter at our doorstep.

  6. It's beautiful -- and a perfect foil to November's grey.

  7. The quilt is beautiful! Very bright and cheerful. A great way to end November!

  8. Such a happy quilt -- it's wonderful! I really like it.

    We didn't get as much snow as we had feared, either, but my daughter flew out of O'Hare today and was 3-1/2 hours delayed in take off.

  9. Hi Wanda,
    The quilt turned out great! Very sherbet-y.
    We had a couple of school closings in the areas that got the most snow here (West Mich).
    Vicky F

  10. love the colors in this one...
    very pretty quilt
    glad you finished it.

  11. I like what 'Lyn' said, "Thanks for my daily jolt of color"

    This quilt is still my CURRENT favorite.


  12. Very pretty is such a good feeling to finish one, isn't it? We had our first snow Sat. night, but it was just enough to cover the ground.

  13. Great colors to work with on a grey winter day. My daughter is heading back to IL tonight, planes are late but still landing at O'Hare.

  14. great colors in this quilt- fabulous quilting...

  15. I love this quilt..the color..the simplicity...the delight of the four patch here and there. I have collected Kaffe fabrics for three years now, and it's about time that I take my first delectable bite!

  16. Oh, Wanda - this quilt calls to me! It's the kind of quilt that I would pull out and stare at on a windy, snowstormy February day in Maine.



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