Tuesday, September 2, 2008

More nature and a finish.

I saw this squirrel yesterday chipping off the green layer on a walnut. If you click on the picture you can see little pieces of the green laying on the branch. A little later one of his pals ran across the yard with a walnut in his mouth and he scurried up one of my little lilac bushes. He was squirming around in there for a little bit and when he went down I saw that he had lodged a walnut into the intersections of some branches. So much for hiding in plain view. Here is one more picture that didn't get into yesterday's post. Be sure to click on this one to see his beak/mouth better. Thanks to my readers who left comments, I now know a lot more about these butterflies. It is definitely a painted lady.
One branch in my redbud trees has decided it is fall/autumn. All of the redbud trees will turn yellow like this and then the leaves all have a race to fall in one day. You can just stand there and watch them falling like rain. I hope that is a few weeks away though.
I put a facing on the pointed bottom edge of this one and then put binding around the other three sides. The pattern called for 4 light blocks and they just don't blend in like I would have liked them to. I was tempted to take markers and draw some little designs on some of the light fabrics.
Today is supposed to be hot again, but not too humid. They are predicting cool weather for a few days after that. I hope it happens for the sake of the merchants in the buildings at the fair which starts on Wed.


Joyce said...

I really like the faced bottom. If your weather follows ours, Sunday was hot, hot, hot and suddenly on Monday and today cold, cold, cold. I like the cold better.

Sequana said...

You keep saying "not too humid" but it's the dewpoint that makes us all uncomfortable, and that's been over 60 for almost a week. A couple days it was in the 70's!

I've found this last week to be the most annoying weather of all summer, I think.

I wonder if we'll get storms when this breaks tomorrow.

Kristin L said...

I like that finish. I would never have thought of something like that.

jacquie said...

whoa...this is neat! i think i disagree with you about those light blocks in there...and the faced edge is so unexpected...it's exuberant!

meggie said...

Very nice idea facing the bottom.
We had some sleet today, after having 2 previously really warm days. Fickle Spring.

Quiltdivajulie said...

Love the finish... especially the lower edge!!

jovaliquilts said...

I like the faced points on the bottom, very fun and different. Your butterfly photos have been wonderful. We have so many in our yard now, too, and I love watching them. But it's pouring rain now -- I never thought about it, but what happens to the butterflies when it rains like that?