
Saturday, May 3, 2008

Friday's block

This is the block I made last night. I was trying to get a more multicolor look to this one as a blender with all of the rest. I took out the one that was almost all saturated red and this is what the 12 other blocks look like together. I only have 10 more strips of Thangles so with the left over squares already pieced, that is 2 more blocks. Now I have to decide if I am going to buy another package.
Mrs. Rose Breasted Grosbeak decided to pose for me this morning on my azalea bush outside my kitchen window. She waited there patiently......
and finally Mr. Grosbeak came over to join her. This is the closest to the house he has been. They have been here 3 days now. I wonder where they are headed and how many more days they will stay. It is colder today and windy so I wonder if they will move on.


  1. It looks fantastic so far. Will it be a bed cover?

  2. the quilt is looking good so far.

    Looks like Mr. & Mrs. Grosbeak are having a great time in your tree!

  3. Mmm, I like that one too. This is going to be another bombshell of a quilt.


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