
Sunday, March 9, 2008

Postage stamps

Well I found out Blogger would let me load one picture but not 3, so I'll load the other 2 in separate posts. Back in the late '70's or early '80's there was a quilt stamp available. At the time everyone is saying "Buy them now, they will be worth a lot more some day". Fast forward to a conversation with friends last month "Use them all because they aren't worth any more than face value, 13 cents". Does anyone out there know if there is a market for full sheets of unused stamps? I also have Elvis Presley, James Dean, comic strips classics, and the Geogia O'Keefe poppy sheets of stamps. Somewhere in the basement I also have the poster from the post office that was displayed when this stamp was available.


  1. Well, it is complicated... Serious collectors probably already have any stamps that could have been purchased from the post office recently... (Recent being varied, your definately fall into the recent category.) & your friends are right, they are not worth much more than 13c each... Believe it or not, you could probably make more money selling the baskets in groups of 4 - probably near $1 for the 4 or $12 for the sheet - but as a sheet - you would probably only get $9 or $10. Unless you found a postage stamp basket quilt collector who needed the sheet & then it is questionable if she would pay much more...

    (My dad was a serious collector & he never paid or sold more than 10% over face value & he was buying older stamps than these...He said the only way you can do better is if you are trading & then you really need to know what you are doing.)

  2. I am not a stamp collector and I don't know anything about their value as a collectible, but I would love to have this sheet of stamps to mat/frame and hang in my studio... TOO cool! If you want to sell them for that purpose, just let me know!

  3. Now there's an idea, mat and frame them. Just make sure the stamps are under no glare glass, and in a controlled environment. The serious collector will store them in a controlled temp. room and out of the sun. The P.O. has made some beautiful stamps that would inspire the serious quilter.

  4. You have a great collection of stamps. I would ask your local Post Master or Postal Clerk~ who collects stamps in your community. Or the internet surely has some info on value of stamps.



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