
Saturday, March 8, 2008

A Good Sewing Day

Yesterday I was able to stay home almost the whole day. I had made a few more blocks for this quilt two nights in a row and I decided I am done with it. I sewed the top together and it is 49" x 63". That isn't too bad for a lap size. One more row would be nice, but it isn't going to happen. The reds are really more of a coral color in the medium shades. I like to call it soft red. I think I will have to do this pattern again but with less contrast between the darks and lights, or just busier prints. A lot of these read as solid colors and I think it looks a little choppy.

The sun is trying to shine today and I hope we get above freezing. Winter still drags on.....


  1. How nice to have a sewing day to yourself! The quilt is really cute.

  2. Put it aside for a month or more and then come back to it.
    I think you'll be very pleased with it them.
    It looks very good in the photo.
    Nice combination of different types of prints, values, etc. KS

  3. Ooooh - I like that top! I'm a sucker for pinks & reds, I could just stare at it for a long time getting all warm & happy. It's a good antidote to winter!

  4. Sometimes I'm not happy with the colors or pattern, but others migh like it. Some of these things are quite subjective. My idea is to quilt it lavishly... I know the experts say great quilting can't fix what might not be so great, but I think it does add -- because it becomes a feature, and a feast for the eyes.

    Of course, I could be wrong. What do you think?

  5. I hope everyone clicks on this quilt to enlarge photo. It really is a beauty, and even better when it almost fills the screen. Love your fabric choices.


  6. I think it's wonderful, fabulous! If you really don't like it, it could always find a home here! ;-)
    I agree with anonymous -- clicking on the picture to see the larger one is definitely worth doing!

  7. I am not a red person, but I like the look of this quilt. I think the suggestion to put it aside for a time is quite a good one. It is very interesting, I think.

  8. I like it, too, but I would love to see it made up as you suggest and then see the different looks. What fun! Those are great fabrics.


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