Friday, September 6, 2024

Slow going...............

There are 12 cross seams to sew and I didn't get very far yesterday.  I finished the seams in the first direction in the morning and then started the cross seams last night.  Three of twelve are sewn.  I spent a couple hours yesterday looking for something that doesn't want to be found.

I have two more quilts ready for trimming and binding.  The one on the right will be done all by machine so it will probably get done first.

This week is the Sandwich Fair (DeKalb County fair) and the weather is cooperating nicely.  Today is supposed to only be mid 60s after 80s yesterday and I think a lot of people will enjoy the cool down.



Linda said...

I am laughing at "looking for something that doesn't want to be found" - I SO relate. I don't know if you are a good or a bad influence on me - I was forced to purchase Quilts On An English Farm yesterday.

Julierose said...

That is a lot of cross seams to manage for sure!!:((((

We have an imaginary friend who came to visit us when the kiddos were young called "Brucer"--he sneaks in and steals a lot of our things that cannot be found;)))) Evidently, he is still with us as my DH is forever "misplacing=losing" stuff from pliers to screws and screwdrivers....who knew there were so many different types of these things. [He goes into "teacher mode" to explain what to look for hahaha]
65 here mid morning and overcast--getting more humid by the hour...
I have sewn 3 blocks down and four across of my lego blocks
so far--they are now in long strips...I will begin sewing them together this weekend...I hope they cooperate...???
Hugs, Julierose

patty a. said...

You made some progress and that is all that counts! I have a couple things I have been looking for myself - headphones and short straight pins for stretching cross stitch for framing. I need to do a serious straightening up in my laundry/utility/dressing room so maybe I will find the headphones this weekend.

Anonymous said...

What luck to have cooler weather for the fair! And the quilts on deck for trimming and binding both look great, looking forward to perhaps seeing them as finishes at the end of the month!


Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

it cools down here for the weekend - windows open tomorrow - 70/50 through Monday. That will feel so nice. Good luck in finding something that doesn't want to be found

JustGail said...

Looking for things that don't want to be found can be quite time consuming. And vexing. Especially when there's others in the house that might have moved it. Then there's times when I put things in a safe place that I know I'l remember. Sigh...
I'm glad the weather will be cooperating for the fair. I'm used to Iowa where all county fairs are done before the state fair is held in mid-August. How does that work with 4H & FFA kids needing to be at the fair to show their projects while school is in session? Excused absence? School shut down for fair days?

Barbara Anne said...

You're making progress and that is all that counts.
Oh, you've reminded me of my childhood realization that the reason things are always in the last place you look is because you've found 'it' so stop looking! Hope what is hiding from you will show itself soon.
Nice weather! Hope you enjoy the fair.


Mystic Quilter said...

I have yardage of Ammonites - same color as you show here, it's a beauty. We're on the same page with Fittonia!! I think I ordered a half yard of each but still waiting for these. In your previous post you mention the new Kaffe book and after reading your mention of the photos on the website being a little on the dark side I'm looking forward to the book arriving on the New Zealand shop shelves, I have one ordered.

Donna said...

Lovely tops...and I will love the cooler weather!