Friday, September 27, 2024

All is well........................

Photo: Philip Jacobs Papaver in a nice soft color combination.

All went well with the pacemaker replacement.  We arrived about 20 minutes early (2:40 p.m.) and within 5 minutes they had us heading to my room.  It was like an emergency department room with a pull curtain but had its own private bathroom and closet.  I was prepped in that room and then wheeled down to the surgical suite for more prep and then the surgery.  I was back in my room in about an hour and they brought me a meal.  (I hadn't been allowed to eat or drink anything after 7 a.m.)  By the time I finished my meal it was checkout time.  Another hour and I was home.  The worst part of the whole thing?  Not being able to drink any water for 10 hours.  Restrictions are no driving for 2 days, no lifting anything over 10 lbs. for a week.  Also taking it easy for 5 days which for me means catching up on my magazines and sewing blue triangles.


Cherie Moore said...

I’m so glad to hear everything went well, with no issues! I’m going through books and magazines this week as I’m trying to free up some shelf space to make room for WIP/UFO’s. I find if I can’t see it, it gets forgotten and never worked on. Keeping a list just doesn’t work for me as far as quilting goes. Hope your recovery goes as smoothly as the surgery.

Donna said...

Great news that all went well! Every time I have to fast, I always want fried chicken gizzards!! Lolol...go figure!

Juliana said...

Soooo glad this is behind you. What a relief!! It sounds like it went very smoothly and now you can concentrate on recovery. Hooray!!

cityquilter grace said...

so amazing what they can do these days...cardiac care has leapt forward in a gazillion miles since my dad has his first heart attack at 45...

Anonymous said...

So happy that all went smoothly for you- hard to comprehend that these things are done as an outpatient procedure. Five days of rest doesn't sound too bad!
BTW- that fabric is just gorgeous!

Anonymous said...

Wonderful news, thanks for keeping us in the loop! I hate that "no water" business, so dry my eyelids get crunchy by the end! I bet you spend today having a nice cool drink and reveling in it.


Gene Black said...

I am glad to hear that it went well.

Libby in TN said...

It's amazing what modern medicine can do. Take it easy and enjoy your leisure.

mb-RI said...

Wonderful news! Enjoy the down time and the blue triangles!

Mary said...

I am so relieved and also grateful for the information. Take care!

Julierose said...

So happy that all went well for you, Wanda--taking time to rest and recuperate for a week will be good, too. Catching up on reading, and making future sewing plans, etc. can help fill your time...
That is such a pretty PJ fabric--Papaver!
Today I plan to start sewing my Christmas backing together--I am pretty achey after roaming about on the floor yesterday!! UFF-DAH!! so easy does it here, too...Take care now hugs, Julierose ;)))

Carol said...

Great news Wanda! Try to take it easy now for a bit.

Linda said...

That is great news! Your room and treatment sound really nice. I will save your post and reread it - my husband is due his replacement next year.

patty a. said...

I am so glad everything went well! Take care!

Barbara Anne said...

What good news to have the pacemaker replacement over and done with for several more years! Yes, those temporary restrictions are a bit of a bother but are so very important (retired surgery nurse here). What a joy to take pleasure in calmer and quieter tasks and in sewing the oh-so-useful and very light weight HSTs!


Sally Langston Warren said...

Thank you for the update, Wanda! Wonder how many of us turned to your blog first thing this morning to check on you?! Sounds like you have doctor orders to sit and sew….and plan future quilts for a few days. Our medical advances and level of care in the United States is wonderful. (We just returned from a trip to England where my husband was admitted for emergency kidney stone surgery. All ended well, but it was scary and a very different medical system over there.)

Chris said...

That’s great news, Wanda! Thanks for letting us know!

JJM said...

You can add my recovery wishes along with everyone else. So good to see so many that care so much about your well being. You’ve shared so much of your talents with us over the years, and please know how much we all love and care for you. It’s time for you to catch your breath and take it easy as Dr. ordered.

JustGail said...

Awesome News! Except for the lifting (no lifting granddaughter or shifting totes of fabrics around) those are the kind of recovery restrictions I could live with. Bummer that it was later in the day than you'd prefer, but at least problems with prior patient didn't cause the schedule to go off the rails.
Ooo that fabric is Pretty! NO idea what I'd do with it, other than pin it up and admire & pet it.

Quiltdivajulie said...

Thank you for letting us know all went well. Sounds like you have a solid plan for coping with the restrictions (temporary but oh, so necessary for full recovery). And by now the ten-hour water restriction is past - that would have been hard for me, too.

Anonymous said...

Glad all went well : )!!

Florida Farm Girl said...

So glad to hear the procedure went well. Now, on to recovery and more quilting!

Nancy J said...

Wonderful news Wanda, the no drink or eat is hard!!! I had that before stent surgery, twice. Take care and rest as you should.

Elaine/Muddling Through said...

Thank God! I am so glad everything went well and you are back at home. Enjoy petting your beautiful fabrics! I love that Philip Jacobs!

Linda at Roscoe's Ma said...

Yay! Glad it went well! Thank you, God!

Connie said...

It is so good to hear that everything went so well. I had no idea that a pacemaker would be an in and out surgery. I would have imaged you'd be in the hospital for several days. This is truly happy news! Have fun catching up on your magazine reading :)

Elsie Montgomery said...

Love and prayers. I'll be doing the same in a few short years. So glad it went well for you... now take it easy and enjoy yourself!

Beth said...

So glad to hear all went well! Enjoy some rest & don’t rush the recovery. Beth in AL

Vicki W said...

So glad that everything went so well!

MissPat said...

Thanks for the update. I wasn't sure if you would post today, but I should have known better. Resting for 5 days will be a challenge for you. I like that Philip Jacob fabric, but it would be another one that would be hard to cut up.

pbj fiber marietta said...

Oh so happy it went well. You are lucky to have quiet hobbies you can do for a few days as you recuperate. Best wishes to you!

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

Glad all went well and you will be back to your routine in a couple days. I have not checked blogs in over a week or 10 days I guess and got on today for a lazy morning at the Airbnb. Thankful that your procedure does not need to be repeated often!

Mystic Quilter said...

So happy to read that everything went well Wanda!

Cathy said...

Oh, yay! I’m so happy to hear that all went well for you with the pacemaker replacement. I’m actually surprised that you posted! And like many (maybe even most) of us quilters, of course you’ll find suitable ways to keep busy. xo