
Tuesday, September 3, 2024

143 blocks........................

The last 32 pink triangles were cut yesterday and sewn to a dotted triangle.  I can see now that the dots are printed in straight rows along one grain and staggered rows on the other grain.  I will have to be careful when I do the layout to keep them all going the same direction.  A few of the prints are Tula Pink designs and they are one way designs.  I hope this doesn't become a nightmare.  I will design it on a double design wall in the basement while I do laundry today.


  1. Do not let this become a nightmare! Ignore those directional things and embrace the random misalignment! It will make the finish more lively. Life is too short to go crazy over dotted fabric!

    1. I agree. Embrace the randomness and let the dots fall where they may. If you can’t stand it on the design wall, then start rearranging. Enjoy!

  2. The one-way and directional dots look like they could prove difficult for sure in putting this one together, Wanda. But soooo pretty...
    [I don't know about letting them go every which way--and here speaks a scrappy person!! The dots are pretty busy even in one ditection, you know?]
    47 here this morning--a foretaste of coming cooler weather days for sure!!
    I sewed two long lego strips yesterday and feel that this will be way too big for me to handle --going to remove last row and see if that will work out better. [ the blocks are approx 14" long so 5x14 = 70!! No way no how for me]]
    I think my seam ripper will be coming to visit for today...;((( I will have to be gentle with all those seam endings...
    hugs, Julierose

  3. Whatever you decide, I know it'll be pretty!

  4. No way it will be a nightmare - lol - those dots are good either way to me. :)

  5. Yep, this could become something of a challenge, but it will be so pretty.

  6. I'm catching up from being away from the computer for the last four days. The Laurel Burch fabric - what a fabulous collection you have! However you sell it, it will go fast! Your flowers look so pretty. I have a few California poppies still blooming and I have one small marigold plant, but nothing else. I spread so many seeds this year and nothing but that one marigold grew. I guess it was just too hot. The pink triangle blocks are so fun! I wouldn't worry about the dots.

  7. Have you turned them to see if you like the pinwheel look? The color combo works well together,either way you decide the overall finish will be beautiful!

  8. I don't think I would have noticed anything about the dots without you mentioning it. I can't look closely at that type of thing or makes me dizzy and off balance!!

  9. It's funny how dots can differ! I learned that when I ran out of one pindot for a project and had to scrounge scraps to complete the blocks -- similar but not the same. That said, I think you can safely orient your HSTs anyway they work.

  10. Your creation with dots and pinks may be a challenge but oh what fun to pull it all together.

  11. I agree you should ignore the direction of the dots and enjoy sewing those cute blocks together. Whoever gets this quilt will love its happiness and won't notice which way the dots go.


  12. I don't think dots that aren't perfectly aligned would bother me.

  13. What a pretty combination those fabrics are! I have every confidence you will figure it out to your satisfaction - and after all, that's what matters!


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