
Saturday, August 3, 2024

Outside for a few minutes..................

When I went out to pick tomatoes I noticed how pretty the wild garden is right now.  This patch is Black Eyed Susan and Purple Coneflower.  Every year the Black Eyed Susan shows up in new places, and that makes me happy.

When the Tiger Lilies are done, the Brown Eyed Susan starts blooming.  They also show up in different places each year.

The Hosta that is blooming here has the sweet smelling lily shaped blooms.  It is part of the original plant that was on this property when we bought the house in 1972.

In this flower bed up by the house is Oxeye Daisy and my favorite Hosta.  I forget which variety it is.  It starts out a pretty shade of green and then starts turning yellow and then almost white by the end of the season.  It doesn't look like the bugs have been eating it too much this year.

It was still really humid yesterday although not as hot.  I didn't stay out very long.  I have narrowed down to 2 ideas for the Terrie Mangat fabric that I showed yesterday.  I just have to decide if I'm going to do one of them or make both of them.


  1. Your daisies are so pretty--unfortunately our wandering deer decimated my hostas--they are so beautiful.

    At 5 a.m. it is already 75 degrees here!! I awakened with all sorts of ideas for my "lego-type" piece that I want to make running around my brain...
    how and if to pre-cut strips ahead or just cut as I go...which I am leaning toward...I am aiming for a nice table runner...when I have something in the planning stages, I often cannot keep my mind off it!! I see a nap in my future...hugs, Julierose P.S. Stay cool...

  2. I love your "wild garden", that is something I really miss having. The purple coneflowers look so pretty with the Susans. Love hostas, but can't find a shady enough spot for them here. Our next house (maybe a lottery house - lol!) will have more trees, just for hostas. :D

  3. The garden is lovely with color and textures. I trimmed mine all up yesterday with the drizzly rain. I am rethinking one of the front beds into a more cottage type garden with all the inspiration I am finding on Instagram. Have fun cutting!

  4. I love wild gardens. Some of mine are drying up this year from the heat though, I try to move the water every day to a different spot to water for an hour or so but the heat this August is proving to be a lot. I will need to water the tomatoes again today. Are they worth trying to save? I'm not sure, I must wander down to the garden to check them I haven't for a couple days.

  5. The deer ate all my hosts this year, I guess the poor things are thirsty and they do come drink out of our fountain so I have only myself to blame for drawing them to the yard.

    Supposedly we will have a bit of a break from the heat tomorrow, lower rather than upper 90s.


  6. Love the wild garden with the black eyed susans. At our last house in the country, we had a garden full of them. After the purple iris they bloomed. We had a call from Google one day and the girl asked if our house was the one with the yellow flowers. She could see it from space!! We only have one plant here but hopefully they will spread.

  7. The deer have eaten many of my black-eyed susans and some of the coneflowers. Yes, the books say the deer don't eat those plants, but I apparently have illiterate deer. They've also eaten all the hosta buds (but not too many leaves) and all the day lily buds. There's so little left, that I'm ready to throw in the towel. They do leave the Hellebores alone, so maybe I'll start spreading them around.


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