
Saturday, August 24, 2024

Binding choices...................

I first pulled several blue Kaffe collective fabrics for the Fonthill quilt's binding choices.  The majority of the triangles are batik but the rest are Kaffe collective fabrics.  Since I'm going to hand finish this one I didn't want a batik binding.

This was the only one of the choices that had a more consistent value all through the print.  Some of the others had other colors and values through the prints.

This one looks good with the backing fabric too.

The easiest choice for the pink heart quilt would be the leftover backing fabric.  I'm pretty sure I will machine finish this one.  I will check to see if I have a pink stripe which could be an alternate choice.

The house south of me is for sale.   We already have a new neighbor across the street and one house north.  It seems like the neighborhood gets a lot of new owners/renters all at the same time.  I also have a new neighbor back to back with me.  I was talking to another neighbor across the street a few days ago and he was saying he wished the neighborhood could stay the same.  He and his wife moved in 10 years ago and the neighbors north and south of me moved in about 6 1/2 years ago.  I'm the only one left from the original block (1972) with 52 years in the same house.


  1. I like that fan fabric for pairs so nicely with the backing you have...
    Our area has had a lot of new owners, too. Lots of younger families moving in as we older ones move on....
    59 here this morning and sunny--looks like it will be another really nice deck sitting day...I won't be doing any handwork as my hands need to rest a bit this weekend...
    Hugs, Julierose

  2. Love your binding choice! Since we married in 1969, we have lived in a total of 19 different addresses in 2 states, and no, we aren't military. We wish we had stayed in at least a couple of those houses longer, but Hubs' jobs were the main reason for moving.

  3. Oh, Fonthill is nearly done-done! A keeper for sure. We've been in this house since 2003, the longest either one of us has ever lived in one place including our growing-up homes. I've counted -- I've had 14 addresses in my lifetime, including college.......Looks as though our cool spell will end this weekend, but still sunny!

  4. 52 years in one place is nice. You have seen all the people come and go. I have never liked the idea of moving constantly like we had to do when Mike was in the military. We have been in the same house now for 43 years.

  5. Your binding choice of the fan/shell fabric is perfect for this quilt.
    You'll know the pink quilt's binding fabric when you see it and it may be the backing fabric ... or not!
    We've been in this house for 22 years and wish we'd then bought a house that was one story rather than this tri-level. Our knees now protest the stairs.


  6. good choices...i have that fan print in a few colorways...

  7. I like that Kaffe binding! Perfection. We've lost two neighbors across the street from us. Both had been here for 30 or more years. One, my friend Sandy who has helped me with the USO quilts, I will miss her dreadfully. But I am happy for them both. They are both moving to new, bigger houses. Change is not always fun.

  8. Blue paper fans is a winner as the binding I think. Interesting to read about neighbours - we have a similar situation here. Lived in this house for 39 yrs and knew folks across the road, further along the street in both directions. No we actually know none of our neighbours. House next door just sold, one across the street up for sale.


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