
Thursday, August 15, 2024

Binding and nature......................

Yesterday I had the urge to clean/rearrange my pantry cabinet but I did get a few stitches in on the neutral quilt binding.  I'm really happy with this stripe.

I'm so excited that this little yellow Coneflower has gotten as tall as it is this year.  The past 2 years it was about 4-5" tall.  Maybe I will see it get even taller next year.

This is the first year that I have had 3 big blooms too.  When I transplanted it last year the root was so small on it that I wasn't sure if it would survive.

Either this fall or next spring I will need to move the Coral Bell that is between and slightly behind the Hydrangea and the Black Eyed Susan plant.  It would be happier in a shade garden so I need to do some searching for a place for it.


  1. Great stripey binding fabric for this one, Wanda;)))
    That hydrangea sure grew beautifully!!
    Only 60 here this morning and the grass is all dewey...but maybe a sunny morning at least before the rain comes...
    Hugs, Julierose

  2. I love that striped binding - the colors are great! Your coneflower photos look like paintings.

  3. Yes! The strip is a beautiful compliment to the colors in the quilt! I've yet to find a yellow coneflower in my area ,maybe we just don't have them lol but my deep pink ones are still hanging on!

  4. That binding looks wonderful! The little yellow coneflower looks very happy and is so pretty!

  5. Cleaning and rearranging your pantry and some time to stitch on your binding and yet to photograph your coneflower. It’s amazing what these camera’s pick up today that the naked eye doesn’t . The second photo shows such detail of the cone head itself. Nice post today Wanda.

  6. Very pretty cone flowers. Do they attract butterflies or humming birds?

  7. love the little yellow flower. My black-eyed Susans are starting to brown up and die - most likely not enough water - the purple coneflowers have been doing that too - I just can't keep up with watering everything - I have been doing the berry garden to keep those plants alive - it doesn't sound like rain coming out way the rest of the month or if we get some just a tiny shower. Sometimes the pantry's need organizing! I really need to go through all my pots and pans cupboards there are so many pieces I no longer use that are taking up space - I want to get rid of pieces and just never get down on my hands and knees in the kitchen to go through them! I must ask the girls when they are both here on Saturday if there are any pieces they want and maybe they can pull some pieces out.

  8. The neutrals stripe fabric is a wizard binding for that quilt - great choice!!
    Wishing you well in dealing with your pantry if it's anything like ours. Good luck!
    Lovely flowers and may they flourish in your care.



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