
Tuesday, July 23, 2024

What's next..................

I don't have any definite plans for a new project (3 in cutting stage right now) so I pulled out the trays of Marcia Derse triangles that I cut from scraps a couple years ago.  I have more scraps that I could cut up too.

There is a fairly good variety cut already so I can go ahead and start sewing and cut as I need more variety.  They are 2" finished triangles.

3 trays full of triangles, probably enough for a baby quilt, maybe a small one.

My destash sale this week has been very successful so I spent a couple hours preparing packages for mailing yesterday.  There are still 3 packages of Cherrywood hand dyed fabrics left as I type this, also 1 Karen Stone paper piecing patterns with papers.  Everything else, including the 4 items from last week have been sold.  I have a huge empty blanket box now.  I might resume in August to destash more but will take a couple weeks off now and do some sewing.  I have missed the hum of the machine.


  1. You have lots of lovely MD triangles to work with there...
    Rainy this morning and only 69, but humid still....I am taking it easy for a bit until I feel back to normal again....hugs, Julierose

  2. I'm happy your destash is going well. It has to have been a lot of work to group and describe those bundles. I'm looking forward to getting the one I bought.

  3. You described a full day ahead, with your ‘destashing’ behind you and ready to get back to creating with containers of precut triangles just waiting for you…. I feel your ‘exuberance.


  4. Congratulations on your destashing efforts! The triangles promise to be another great quilt, but at first glance the fabric looks somewhat somber for a baby quilt. I continue to go through quilt books in hopes of discarding some (many, actually). Yesterday Margaret Miller's Strips That Sizzle came to the top of the stack. I had post-its marking two pages -- and there were the quilts that you made!! The book is an oldie -- 1992. I've had it for only a few years, and I think I'll keep it because the design advice is so good.

  5. Oh, that machine hum- the happiest sound. I just love my machines especially when they are being used. Neat triangles. I am sure you will do something great with such unique fabric.

  6. I look forward to seeing what you create with the small HSTs and whatever you choose to put into the mix as the fabric speaks to you.

    How wonderful that most of your excess fabric and patterns sold so quickly!

    We await the possibility of evening storms.


  7. That is great! And your triangles look so interesting. I love the smaller blocks. Can't wait to see what these grow into! And for me, too, the hum of the machine is pure therapy! Happy sewing.....


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