
Thursday, July 4, 2024

Happy Blog birthday to me......................

 I started this blog on July 4, 2007....let's see, that is 17 years ago.  I was a shy child; now you can't shut me up.  I have shown several hundred quilts and quilt tops in those 17 years.  I have posted 6429 times and have had over 81K comments.  I'll drink a cherry Dr. Pepper to celebrate!

I found a box yesterday with half rectangle triangles in it.  I had forgotten I had so many pieces left over when I made a quilt with them last year in May.

There was one leftover block and some sewn rectangles also in the box.  I think I'll transfer these to a project box for the future.  I don't have much interest working with them right now.

Taking photos of fabric is tricky.  The camera wants to emphasize the blue in this one but it isn't as prominent in person.  I'm taking photos for my destash blog.  I did well this week with all but one item sold (that is in the week 3 post) .SOLD  I have to decide what category is next.  This piece is one I will never use. SOLD

Outside work yesterday was trimming the pale pink Wegeila bush.  As I trimmed I realized it has a Maple tree and a Redbud tree growing in it.  I trimmed the 2 darker pink bushes a few days ago.  One more to go, the red one.

Happy 4th of July - Independence Day to my US readers.  The fireworks in the neighborhood started a few nights ago.


  1. HAPPY 4TH OF JULY to you, Wanda--
    [enjoy our democracy while it it is still in tact!!]

    71 now and it got warmer...with a higher DP of 66.7--I think the heat
    and humidity are on their inevitable way in to our area; going to sit out while we can...

    I was able to machine quilt one of my Flowering Snowball little quilts yesterday...I will try to get the 2nd one done over the weekend.

    I used to have some of that tie-dye looking fabric long ago...;)))
    My Magnolia, which finished blooming [I thought] is sending out a second round of flowers;))) Nice surprise...
    Hugs, Julierose

  2. Happy day to you! I can't say I've followed your blog since you began, but I can say I've explored it all the way back to the beginning.

  3. can't believe it is 17 years - I started mine in April that same year and forgot about it this year and didn't mention it. I found your blog right after you started it and have followed you since.

  4. Happy blogaversary, Wanda! I started mine at the end of 2007. The half-rectangles will become something interesting sooner than later, I am sure.

  5. Really ??? 17 years ago ‘Exuberant Color’ made its debut ! Thats awesome Wanda and a good long run with a daily posting of your days in your studios. And indeed so full of Exuberant color and creations. Thank you and congratulations.


  6. I have followed you most of those years, Wanda! I've learned so much from you. Thanks you for sharing your quilt journey and your beautiful flowers and your friendship. Happy Blogaversary!!!

  7. God bless you, Wanda. I look forward every day to reading your blog and I draw hope and inspiration to stay positive. Thank you so much for sharing your adventures with us. Your quilts are creative and indeed full of exuberant color! And your garden is lovely! Congratulations on 17 years of successful blogging! You are an amazing woman.

  8. Thank you for so many years of inspiration and enjoyment!


  9. Happy 4th and Happy Birthday blog day. I like to read about all your projects. You get so much done, both quilting and gardening. Have a safe and happy day.

  10. I hope you have many, many more years of posting. Thanks for all you share - you've given me many ideas over the years and I'm inspired by your productivity and creativity!

  11. Happy 4th of July and Happy Blog Birthday to you!!

    I see that your amazing quilting speed and energy went back to 2007 and you and your many quilts are just as amazing these 17 years later. I'm so glad I found your blog!!


  12. Happy Blog Birthday. I haven't followed you from the beginning, but I have trailed back through the years reading about particular quilts or techniques. You are a true inspiration to so many quilters. I wish I could say it was a Happy Fourth, but the current political situation is very disturbing and nothing to celebrate. Lets concentrate on our quilting and ignore the news for a while.

  13. Happy Birthday Wanda! I enjoy your blog most every day to see what you are up to. I couldn't keep up with you, but I do know that keeping your mind and body active is so important. Quilting certainly fills the bill. Cheers to you!

  14. Wow! 17 years! Your blog is almost old enough to walk into a bar, lol. Happy Blogaversary! ;^)

  15. Congratulations on 17 years!

  16. Happy blog anniversary! I'm SO glad you started sharing your quilts (and the yard/garden). I'm even more happy that you keep with it. It's sad seeing how many blogs in sidebar lists that have not been updated for several years now.

  17. Happy Birthday, Wanda. You inspire me with your beautiful quilts and comments. Keep it up!

  18. I started my blog on July 7, 2007 -- that means my blog is 17 years old, too! Congratulations and thank you for sharing yourself, what you create, your color sense, your incredible stash, not to mention your flowers and gardening.


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