
Monday, July 29, 2024

Finally a peek at what I'm doing............

These pieces are up on the design wall in no particular order right now.  I just wanted to get a feel for what I have been planning to do and see if it is going to work.  I have a lot more triangles to sew together but now I feel like I know where I'm headed with this.

So far I'm only using scraps; I have lots of yardage I could dip into.

At this point I think I will have enough pieces to made a baby quilt.  When I give someone a choice between 3 - 5 baby quilts, they often choose a dark one like this.



  1. Love the darkness, love the triangles, and love the chunks of colors you have inserted.

  2. I like that B&W print separating all the triangle rectangles...
    65 here and raining this morning--DH is coming around to feeling a bit more normal. I will take him out for a ride this morning--he gets very restless...
    Hugs, Julierose

  3. I like the way you added the pieces to separate the triangles. It is amazing that this is made with scraps. Our scraps are treasures!

  4. When I saw your fabric pull, I had no clue how it could work, but this is beautiful!

  5. Not what I expected! Looks good.

  6. I'm surprised - I would think most would want light color for baby quilts.

  7. A quilt like this continues to be “appropriate” on through toddler-hood—a favorite for years. I love it! -Roxanne

  8. What a pleasing and free-flowing block arrangement you have on the wall just now. What's next?!


  9. i like it much better than i thought i would...

  10. Using scraps make this one so interesting. Love the combination of triangles and rectangles.


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