Saturday, July 6, 2024

A few binding choices......................

The quilt isn't trimmed yet so I just tucked the binding choices under the folded edge.  I looked at Kaffe's early fabrics for the binding.  Remember, use the good stuff, don't leave it for your estate sale.

This is an original piece of this fabric, not the reprint they released earlier this year.  It is one of my favorite dark fabrics.

This one may be too dark so I will check all three of these again after I trim the quilt.

This is the last 2 days yield from the garden.  I see another Early Girl tomato is starting to turn color now.  It is larger than these.

The Black Eyed Susan is blooming next to the freebie Rudbeckia plant.  I thought the flowers on the Rudbeckia were just drying up but the whole stem was dying.  I cut a bunch of stems out of the middle of the plant.  I don't know what is killing part of the plant.  I hope it doesn't affect the whole plant.

And then there is the Black Eyed Susan growing in the crack between the sections of the sidewalk.  It is big and healthy.

One of the items in my destash this week was light color batiks.  The photo on the left was taken 2 years ago and the one on the right was taken yesterday.  I'm so happy I could ship out over 20 yards to other quilters.  I still have enough left for many, many quilts but what is left are my favorites.

Someone about 2 houses from me was shooting off fireworks for over a half hour last night.  Fireworks are illegal in IL and illegal in our town but the authorities don't do anything about it.  If you call and complain they can find out who reported them so we all suffer through the big bangs, trying to decide if it is gunshots or fireworks.


Julierose said...

I like the 1st binding choice, but they are all nice; I find it is always hard to coordinate the binding--and there is no way I can choose one ahead of time...
72.9 here with DP or 72.1--hot, foggy and close this has just begun to rain....hope tomorrow clears this stuff out as we would like to BBQ.
I began machine quilting Flowering snowball #2 yesterday--managed to get all the vertical, longer rows done. I will say that my Helga quilts beautifully...
Enjoy your tomatoes....;)) hugs, Julierose

mb-RI said...

What a beautiful quilt and a very powerful statement:
Remember, use the good stuff, don't leave it for your estate sale.
Thank you for the reminder!

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

I really like the 3rd selection that you show for binding but understand it might be too dark - I like the design on it.
Sometimes for several weeks before or after we will hear fireworks shoot off it gets annoying after awhile but not much anyone can do about it when rules aren't enforced. It is not illegal here for a certain amount of days before and after I guess - I never really paid attention to what the dates are for it.

Nann said...

I'm sure the right binding will make itself known to you. Congratulations on the successful destashing! So many neighborhood fireworks this year -- the smell was heavy in the air yesterday.

Quiltdivajulie said...

From the small peeks at the binding options, I quite like no. 3 but it real life and full size only you can decide. Fireworks (certain classes) are illegal here, too -- but because most of us civilians can't tell what "class" the neighbors are shooting off, we just water our yards when dry and if wet we sit back and enjoy without having to leave home. Thankfully this year most everyone shot theirs off on the actual 4th and not for a week before and many days after!

JJM said...

I really like all 3 binding choices, no matter which one you choose it’s going to be perfect. ~ ‘Destashing’ 20 yards of fabric has been quite a feat. I know it has to feel good to get that project done.


Anonymous said...

I never schedule surgeries, colonoscopies or dental work for the day after the fireworks. I want my doctor or dentist to be well rested.
Thank you for the reminder to use the good fabric. I should tape a note to my sewing machine to remind me to use mine.
We have had too much rain here. My garden is not doing well. My husband thought he saw Noah at the lumberyard.

helenreimers said...

I need the reminder too. The Susan in the crack of the sdewalk is so cute. My Dad called them volunteers.