
Monday, June 3, 2024

No sewing.................

Yesterday I decided to start listing de-stash items on my Wandaful Quilts blog.  I'll probably add things once a week unless I get really ambitious.  If you find something you want and also have something else in mind, email me and ask if I have it available.

I did a garden walk in the afternoon.  I knew the Evening Primrose had started blooming.

I have the Evening Primrose in more than one place in the wild back garden.  Some people consider them invasive but I love them and don't mind that they spread.

This is my largest tomato plant.  It is the Big Boy variety.  I'm staking all of the tomato plants this year, hoping that will help them produce more with more air circulation through the leaves.

This is the most productive plant with tomatoes both low and high on the plant.  It is the 4th of July variety.

Sue and Mindy, you both asked yesterday about one of my plants.  You are both no reply which means you don't have your email address enabled in your Google profile.

I'm not positive which plant the red low growing one is but it might be one of these Sedums.  These photos show them blooming so I can't tell for sure.  Click on the photo to enlarge it so you can read the labels.

I have one Peony that blooms after most of the others are ready for deadheading.  It has very strong stems with many buds on each of them.  They smell so good! 


  1. You've got a good start on your tomatoes. I will probably need to stake mine in short order.

  2. Wow Wanda, tomatoes already!! Looks like your gardens will be prolific this year...
    70 here this morning under cloudy skies with humidity rising--so we will take an early walk along the CT River before anymore heat sets in....
    Have to "walk off" our lovely dinner last night with strawberry trifle was a hit--none left!!
    Hugs for a good sewing day...Julierose

  3. pretty flowers - I will look at what you have listed.

  4. No sewing? OMG! Love the flowers. I'll take a look at your listings.

  5. I'm glad to read your comment about evening primrose. I put a few plants in a difficult place in my flower garden last year, not knowing how much they spread. When I saw how lovely they looked this spring, I was going to recommend them to a friend, but decided to look up information first, and saw so many warnings about the invasiveness that I didn't recommend them, and wondered if I should pull them out. I decided to leave them in and just keep an eye on them, digging any out that get into places I don't want them. So now I feel more confident about that decision!

  6. I am catching up again. Your gardens are beautiful. The newer front one looks amazing! It's only been a couple seasons of growing and it is filling in! The woven quilt top turned out wonderful and the new Jelly Roll Jumble is such a fun block.


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There is an EMAIL address on my right sidebar if you have a question and you do not have a link.