
Friday, June 7, 2024

21 of 24 blocks..................

Since I have 4 background fabrics and both dark and light blocks it has been a challenge to get a good layout.  I need the last 3 blocks to be light blocks.  I might still move a few blocks although I'm pretty happy with the balance right now.  But the more I look at it, the bottom left block may move one space to the left.

Every day I do some weed control in the back garden.  I want to mow the area behind some of the Peonies so last night it was a lot of Creeping Charlie that was 10" tall.  It climbs up to the height of everything around it.

While watching the weather forecast I decided to finish one of the 2 dishcloths that were on the needles.  


  1. Good for you--only 3 more blocks to go;)); this is coming together so nicely!!
    Cute dishcloth in the var. purples...
    63 here this morning and sunny...DP 63 already at 6:30 a.m.--bodes for a muggy day I think...
    Off to car dealer this morning to have my CRV fixed--more $$$'s. And so it goes...
    Hugs, Julierose

  2. It's been a long time since I knitted dishcloths. I miss it, but have a lot of other handword projects I want to finish first. I love the way this project is coming together!

  3. 68 already this morning and it looks to be a hot weekend coming in - will try to get the garden stuff first this morning - but I need Mike's help getting the netting over my blackberries and he moves slow in the morning so it will probably be afternoon before I get him out there.

  4. ‘JRJ’ has been a fun one to watch grow. I look forward to seeing those last 3 blocks for this one.


  5. The lighter fabrics have made this top come to life and gives it some depth. That dishcloth is pretty. I have a big area of weeds that needs wacked down. Maybe it will be cool enough this weekend to do that.

  6. Weeds - ugh! Your little bit every day sounds like a good approach.

  7. Love these happy quilt blocks and with your creative eye, you'll have them in their proper places before sewing, no doubt about it!

    Love the purple dishcloth, too!


  8. That layout is really looking good! Weeds are not fun. I keep promising myself I'll get out there and attack them more, but it is SO HOT here!


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