
Thursday, April 4, 2024

Playing with batiks...........

Even though I have hundreds of 2" batik strips that were cut starting about 20 years ago, I didn't have as many light and medium strips as there are dark strips.  I was moving batiks from location to location yesterday and pulled a few to cut so I could pair more fabrics for the 9 patch project.  I can see I'm getting into a trend of organization the first week of every month.  I always spend the last week in each month to finish projects for my monthly totals.  I have more organizing to do so I will probably just continue working on the 9 patches every evening this week.  These 14 sets will keep me busy for a couple days.

A lot of people are in the path to view the total eclipse of the sun next week.  We are a bit north of it.  The last eclipse was in 2017 and it was the start of my heartbeat problem and resulted in a pacemaker being inserted 10 days later to keep my heart beating.  I thought the eclipse might have had something to do with it since I hadn't had any problems previous to that day.  I'm sure it is probably a coincidence and I couldn't find any info on a search that would suggest it being the cause.  I'm still a little apprehensive about Monday.


  1. Oh, I would be apprehensive about the eclipse too, even if it was just a coincidence. . We will drive about an hour and a half to see the eclipse. Will keep you in my thoughts for a completely uneventful heart beat day

  2. You certainly have loads of pre-cut strips to work from;)))) I really like the lighter ones a lot, but don't have many of them.
    38 this morning and still raining--last night was WILD--winds gusting up to
    45-50mph here; all our porch furniture got turned upside down and moved...!!
    Luckily no breakages though.
    There is now a pond in our back much rain!!
    Hugs, Julierose

  3. We are in the totality path of the eclipse and for weeks we have been cautioned about the effects of the crowds that are expected. (Have a full gas tank, stock up on groceries, expect interruptions in phone coverage, etc.) Now the prediction is for a cloudy day. I guess it will all play out Monday.

  4. I have not heard of people having health problems from the eclipse. We are in the full totality area and will have darkness for for some time. We plan to stay home and view from out backyard - no need to go anywhere with the perfect view we will have. We too have been told to try to stay home and have whatever you need for a couple days. We are expecting a lot of people in our area and lots of events planned. I will pass on the events and enjoy it here.

  5. I hope the skies will be clear on Monday so we can see the partial eclipse. We've got the special eclipse glasses ready!.....A few days of organizing can set things up nicely.

  6. If I were you, I would be on the phone with my cardiologist to see if I needed to be worried or not. Knowledgeable information for me is better than wondering/worrying. Here we will be 97.7% dark. Younger son will participate in the viewing during a picnic lunch at his church, but DH and I are staying home.

  7. That is a nice array or strips to create with. I think I can see where they might end up on your layout also. 😉

    Eclipse ! I haven’t been watching the national or local news for that matter so didn’t know we had an eclipse coming. I did Google it and learned, we are definitely not in its path to see. . . I don’t blame you for your concern, I feel I’m sensitive to our
    Biometric atmosphere also. I agree with “Quiltdivajulie” call your cardiologist to see if it will affect you. Although they probably will not understand how it may affect anyone.


  8. I have watched for and bought more light batiks—you mentioned long ago they are harder to find and I agree. Also, somehow, they weren’t the ones that caught my eye before! -Roxanne

  9. We're in the path of totality, so I can just stay home and see what there is to see. Right now the forecast says partly cloudy. I know there are some events in our little village, but I haven't seen a schedule of the activites. It's a short walk, so I may wander down and see what's going on.
    I have a lot more dark batiks than light ones, too. I really need to start using them more.

  10. I’m right in the path for the eclipse. I have glasses and have to go to work but at least I don’t have to go on a highway. The guys on the job sites will not be working. We can’t have guys running cranes or working on platforms in the dark. The schools are closing for the day too. Total darkness will be at 1:59 so by the time I leave for home it will be almost over. I hope you don’t have any issues.

  11. I should have cut my fabrics into strips and squares so I could just pick up and sew as you're able to do! My batiks, mostly bought years ago seem to have too much pattern when tone on tones would have stood the test of time better.

    We're southeast of the path of the eclipse but will not be driving to see it. Wishing you well that day, Wanda!


  12. I'd probably close all my windows Monday. I'm the type to link those kinds of events too!

  13. You have the best "crayon box" for every project! What fun it is to see what you create every time! I do love this spectator sport!


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