
Monday, April 1, 2024

March 2024 Monthly recap

 It was another good month for finishes, 6 for March.  I quilted 3 of them and Robin Diaz quilted 3 for me. Top left, Autumn Coneflower 2 is 62.5" x 78".  Below it is Marcia Derse Stars which is 65" x 80". Second column top is Flannel Pinwheels which is 58" x 70".  Below it is Bright Flannel, 53" x 71".  Next is Sunlight in the Forest, 67.5" x 87" and last is Flannel Hugs and Kisses, 57" x 82.5".  That was a lot of big backings to prepare and 3 of the quilts have hand stitched bindings.

Only one quilt top was completed and it was a fast and fun one.  The pattern is Spa Quads, a free pattern from Windham fabrics and the fabric is 2 lines of fabric from designer e bond, Root and Ravel.  It is 60" x 80".

For the first quarter of the year I had 13 finishes and 11 quilt tops sewn.

I have a quilt top in progress from February to work on now plus making more batik 9 patches to use some of the 100s of batik 2" strips in 2 boxes.


  1. You certainly have made a lot of progress in your "Finishing Spree"!!:))))
    44 and cloudy here--a rainstorm is brewing, we hear, for us today and tomorrow and into Wednesday...[Tom's busy with plans for building an "ark"].

    We are resting up after all the weekend's activity...hugs, Julierose

  2. You are really making progress on finishing up projects. Way to go!

  3. so many finishes you are really moving along on them

  4. You had a productive month -- I look forward to seeing what you create in April.

  5. Fantastic and fascinating finishes for March 2024 ! Enjoyed seeing each and everyone . All so rich with colorful fabrics. Your continual energy is always so inspiring.


  6. It is so neat seeing all of them in one post. Quite an amazing month of sewing. Congratulations!

  7. Applause, applause and well done, you! I seem to spend too much time thinking, wondering, and planning whereas you make wonderfully quick and excellent decisions and get going. I will try to follow your good example!



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