
Sunday, April 7, 2024

10 more............11 to go............

I chose 10 more pairs of 2" batik strips for the 9 patch blocks.

A friend is coming today to acquire some of my quilts so I spent part of the day yesterday reacquainting myself with the quilts piled on 2 shelf units.  I have my stacks of "won't share" and then there are the rest.

Last night I got all of the pairs of strips sewn into strip sets to cut for the 9 patches.

Yesterday morning the raiders were in my backyard.  There is one squirrel on each of 2 of the bird feeders and one squirrel on the ground.

Click on the photo to enlarge it and see the little thieves.  I have started filling the feeders half full and waiting 2 days after they have emptied them to refill.  They need to clean up all of the seed they are dropping on the ground.


  1. I'm happy you're finding a home for the quilts you can part with. Are any birds getting a chance at the seed? We haved squirrels interested in our's but a baffle keeps them on the ground.

  2. you sound like me - some quilts I can part with and others I want to keep as long as I can!

  3. Funny photo of the raiders! We have them as well and cleaning up the seed is something we wait for, too. I have quilts I won't share but then there are the rest . . . I suspect many of us are like that.

  4. Nice pairings and good sewing time yesterday. Have fun with your friend today, I know she will love the time she has with you . Plus the bonus of selecting a quilt or two.

    And the SQUIRRELS 😡 nasty little buggers got in a friends attic and nearly destroyed it. They had to get an exterminator to get them out and then the repair the attic after that. We too keep a baffle around our post to keep them out of our feeders.


  5. "Look! There are birds at my squirrel feeders!"

  6. Nice spring-ey greens in these 9-patches!!:)))
    38 this morning and cloudy...You are moving right along with your batik strips...hugs, Julierose

  7. It looks like you have a fourth squirrel hiding back in the shadows. Our squirrel friends are quite acrobatic, easily jumping from our tree to the two feeders. We don't begrudge them the food as it was one of their great, great, great grandfathers who planted our oak tree. The tree is now 30 feet tall.

  8. How marvelous that you had more delicious batiks in your stash to use for the needed 9 Patches and that you've had the energy to make these blocks so quickly!

    We battle squirrels, too. When cable TV was new, there was a really funny series about how people try to thwart squirrels at feeders and what lengths squirrels go to so they can get the seeds - one even used the clothesline as a tightrope! I wonder if that series is now on You Tube?



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