
Monday, February 26, 2024

Two tops sewn...............

I got busy early yesterday and got this top sewn and pressed.  It is 54.5" x 71".  One 4 patch is turned the wrong direction but I'm not changing it.

Then I worked on the layout of the X and O quilt, now to be referred to as Hugs and Kisses Flannel.

I sewed it together while watching 3 hours of TV but it was too late to go to the basement to press it.  I'll do that today and show the finished top tomorrow.  I have a 36" flannel top I pieced in December that just needs a border or more squares to make it larger so I might work on that today.  I'll have a marathon of finishing flannel quilts in March.

It got up to 63 degrees yesterday and 68 predicted for today.  Way too warm for February so I'm worried about the bushes setting buds for their blooms which could freeze later and then no blooms for the real spring more than a month from now.


  1. I really like the H&K layout! Enjoy the warmth today. Next front comes through tomorrow afternoon.

  2. I really like that H&K flannel piece--so pretty--and nice that you got the sqs all together! [of course I had to hunt down that 4-patch hahaha--like "Where's Waldo?"]
    The colors in the sqs one are so cozy looking. Nice job on both...;)))

    38 this morning and clouding over--we were hoping for some sun to go for a short walk outside @ 11 or so--but it's looking like rain may be coming in.
    ;000 hugs, Julierose

  3. We've had a series of delightfully mild days here as well, but no moisture. Your quilts look very cozy. Given our Texas climate, I've been hesitant to work with flannel.

  4. the flannel is looking good - I am thinking in another couple weeks I will be running around covering up plants trying to protect them from frost if it happens - I hope it won't but this is early this year for this much growth

  5. I too enlarge photo and look for the 4 patch that was turned the wrong way and could not find it ! Looked at every single one separately and still could not find which one it was. It’s a grand piece and nothing needs to be changed. Hugs ‘n Kisses is immediate love with design and fabrics.


  6. It's amazing how much better a quilt looks when sewn together versus just put up on a design wall. This one looks nice and cozy. And I couldn't find the 4 patch that was turned the wrong way until I took a photo in monotone on my phone and then searched for it. I don't think anyone would notice unless you said the one was turned in wrong direction. It looks great.

  7. Busy day here and I'm exhausted so will simply say, APPLAUSE!!! Both quilt tops are a delight and are oh, so cosy!


  8. I'm loving your series of flannel quilts. I can't pick a fav. They all look like an invitation to cuddle up with cocoa and a book.


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