
Friday, February 2, 2024

January 2024 monthly recap................

 Two quilts were finished in January from tops made a few years ago, both large ones.  Mosaic made of Kaffe collective prints is 76.5" x 97.5" and is in my top 5 favorite large quilts.  Batik Pineapple Log Cabin is 69.5" x 89".  Lots of hand stitching in those bindings.  (Longarm quilting by Robin Diaz).

Six quilt tops were completed.  

Shoo Fly (top left) was 17 blocks in a project box with all of the solid colors cut for another 13 blocks.  I created the rest of the blocks, sewed the top together, and this quilt top is 37.5" x 57".

Crooked Cobblestone 13 was designed from blocks already made and in 11 small plastic bags, sorted by width.  All sewn together it is 37" x 58".

Kaffe fabric Double 4 patch project box had 9 blocks sewn and pieces cut for 13 more blocks so I assembled the rest of the blocks for a 20 block quilt top.  This one is 40" x 60".

On the bottom row the 2 baby quilt tops were made from the contents of another box.  The triangles were already sewn into squares so all I had to do was design and sew the 2 tops.  The zigzag on the left is 34.5" x 40" and the Donuts and 9 Patches on the right is 37" square.

The final top on the right is made from 6.5" flannel squares. Most were cut in the last 3 years and the rest cut in January to get the number I needed for a 53" x 72" quilt.

In January I emptied two 12" square project boxes, one small plastic box, 11 small plastic bags, and used squares from a pile on a shelf.  It was a "clean it up" month for started projects.

The red is deeper than the camera likes to show you.

This bloom is on the same Amaryllis but it has white streaks in some of the petals.

The white Amaryllis with the tiny red edging on the petals is still blooming too.

We got up to 49 degrees yesterday and more days of 40s ahead.  The snow is almost all melted.  The 4' piles from driveway plowing are down but not gone yet.


  1. those quilts are all so pretty I'm not sure which is my favorite - I think the pineapple quilt might be

  2. Standing ovation for those glorious quilts, now finished and ready to enjoy. They certainly added color to your home and your field of vision in January!

    Your Amaryllis are equally bright and beautiful.


  3. Your January quilt finishes are just lovely;))) That pineapple one is very special I think...
    Actually 40 here this morning; foggy and still clouded skies...
    We are supposed to have a stretch of sun for the next 7 days...fingers crossed...
    hugs, Julierose

  4. Love your January display of finishes. So much to look at and thats always a treat. Each one is a wonderful beauty of its own.

    Amaryllis’s as well, the white one is so elegant. I’d never seen a white one before. My daughter tells me they have many varieties of colors. And are originally a topical plant grown in sandy soil. She has quite a touch for keeping them alive for several years.


  5. Your amaryllises pick up the colors in your quilts! Hooray for empty (or emptier) boxes!

  6. Wow! That was a very productive month!

  7. January was a very productive month for you with several lovelies to show for it. Congratulations on finishing those two biggies!!

  8. Congratulations Wanda! You had a very productive January!!
    I love your fearless use of can you go wrong with Kaffe?
    Keep inspiring us...we love it!

  9. I think it would be in my top five, too. It is just gorgeous. Your color sense always amazes me. I refuse to envy you, but I sure could! All of your projects are pretty, and those amaryllis are beautiful. I know what you mean about the red. I have (at least I hope I still do) some of those reds. I love them.
    We uncovered a lot of our poor little plants this week. It remains to be seen how many survive. We're not through with cold, I'm sure we'll get another freeze or two before Winter's over.

  10. Congratulations on your fully finished two large quilts, they're stunning! Also that you have 6 tops completed over the month.
    Love your Amaryllis blooms Wanda.


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