
Thursday, February 15, 2024

First quilt top for February 2024..........

I had a lot of things to press so the iron got turned on yesterday.  This top is 59.5" x 71".  It is large enough without a border so I will staystitch the edges and find a backing for it.

I spent a lot of time in the basement yesterday.  I started out sewing more pieces of batting together.  None of the ones I pieced a couple weeks ago were the right sizes for 3 small quilts I needed them for.  I cut backings for all 3 of the small quilts too.  Then I started working on large backings again.  Two of them are finished and a third one has the 2 pieces cut to length; I just need to press them and sew the seam.  I'm going to have start quilting some of them because my 2 clothes racks are full of tops matched with batting and more tops still waiting for batting.  

I also pressed the LeMoyne star top so now I can cut borders and add them to it.  While I'm at it I might as well piece the back too.

At noon today the month of February is half over.  Time to get busy on more flannel quilts.  I want to have 3 pieced by the end of the month.  


  1. You have been really busy and productive this February, Wanda--this flannel quilt is really lovely. 22 degrees here this morning and sunny with some wind, too. Pretty cold!! Brrrr. We are thinking that our Seasons have changed--What used to be December is now Jan has been warmer through Dec here for a few years now...snow coming later...??? I don't know, but it seems that way..

    I think I will be able to do a bit of hand quilting today--we'll see how it goes...I did do one row of crochet on my afghan (it's the longest side so that turns out to be quite a lot) with no ill effects--so hoping if I'm careful my hand will be okay...

    I think yesterday was my worst day with this bad cold I've been fighting for a good week now....[I tested neg for covid, so I know it's been a cold...].
    hugs, Julierose

  2. I love the aqua added to the color - you can turn a simple quilt block into a work of art with your color selections and fine piecing

  3. I love this quilt and applaud your speed and your planned goals for the month.

    Hope you'll take a photo of the clothes racks full of tops and batting. That has got to be wonderful eye candy!


  4. Wow! I would not pick that out as made of flannel. And, oh, it has such a cozy-wrap-up-in-me vibe. I haven't bought flannel in awhile but when I think of flannel I think of pjs and kids prints or plaid flannel shirts.

    I hate piecing batting and backings but it is usually a necessity in my sewing room. I used to zigzag batting together but then my sewing machine did not like it when I hit a zigzagged spot. So now I just slightly overlap the pieces a little bit most of the time especially for donation quilts. When I piece batting for hand quilting I actually stitch pieces together with a loose chevron stitch.

  5. Lovely flannel quilt! I love flannel quilts - they are so warm. I made a large nap sized flannel quilt a few years ago and love snuggling up under it.

  6. The top turned out great! The pinwheels seem to dance across the top especially that aqua one. That just makes me smile!


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