
Monday, February 12, 2024

22 out of 30 blocks...............

 It took 3 1/2 hours to sew 13 twelve inch blocks last night.  I always think I'm faster than that.  I did all of the cutting for the blocks earlier in the day yesterday.  

The pieces for the next three blocks were cut but I was done for the day.  I have chosen the fabrics for the next 5 blocks but I think I need to change out rust colors that I had chosen for the big triangles for blues and greens.  I'll try to finish the cutting today plus more cutting for 3 other flannel quilts.  The new season of TV shows starts tonight so I'll want a line up of projects to sew.


  1. blues & greens will be a pretty addition, it's looking great so far!

  2. I really like the gingham background fabrics sprinkled throughout this one...
    you have a really nice selection of flannels to work's coming together so well...I can just tell it's going to be so cozy!!;))))

    28 here this morning--partly sunny while we await the predicted 6"-8" of snow
    overnight!! Of course we have a scheduled hot water heater installation tomorrow, too!! Logistics between that and snow plowing etc. are concerning us...well we'll have to see what shakes DH hates not being in control hahaha hugs, Julierose

  3. I actually missed some of the night line up of shows - I get Paramount+ which shows them the next day I believe so I will start looking at the menu to see what is up - I mainly watch CBS shows here and there but not many of them

  4. We deviated from our usual PBS-watching to tune into the Super Bowl. The spinning blocks look great in these soft colors.

  5. The browns and tans, with the ginghams, look fabulous. With the colors and the flannels it feels fallish and cozy. Love it. Perfect with that block.

  6. 13 blocks in 3 1/2 hours is awesome…. It would take me 3 1/2 days if I was lucky ! Your speedy stitching has always been way beyond any quilter I know. And this flannel quilt is such a beauty.


  7. What a cozy quilt this flannel quilt will be and so very warmly pretty, too. Your amazing speed in quilt production astonishes me, too. I have speed envy!

    This is our 3rd day of intermittent rain and the 10 day forecast is for highs to be in the 50s*F and the lows in the 20s*F to mid-30s*F. Winter? Where did it go?


  8. Love this quilt! So much action going on and the colors look wonderful! good job so accomplish so much

  9. The flannel blocks are so nice! I just finished quilting a flannel quilt for our veterans quilt project and it's so soft and snuggly!

  10. What a great flannet quilt- as it has lots of interst in the blocks. You are making a lot of progress even if it seems like it is taking lots of time.


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