
Saturday, January 20, 2024


I got 2 quilts back from my longarm quilter and they are 2 favorite quilts.  I got this one trimmed so it is ready for me to choose binding.  It is all batik fabric so it will be a batik binding and will be hand finished.

There are lots of colors in this quilt so almost any binding color will work.

The back is a batik too.  I think I will look for a medium value for the binding since there is a light end and a dark end to the layout of the blocks.

I finished pressing another huge backing and trimmed a piece of batting to size so I could send 2 more with my longarmer.

I tried a new die yesterday.  I haven't pressed these 6" blocks yet.

I just cut a lot of batik scraps for the trial sewing.  Batik is not the easiest to sew curved seams in so my real project will not be batik.

The die cuts little notches that match up at the center point on all of the pieces.

Last night I finished the denim blue dishcloth and the black and white one was finished last week.

I have 2 more in progress.  They will be smaller because there wasn't as much yarn remaining for either one.

Since I had an empty needle I started another one, a new color that I found.  It is pink and 2 shades of grayish green.  I like to knit while I watch the 10 p.m. news because it is so relaxing.

Weather news: we were back below zero last night and it won't get much above 10 today.  The warmup starts Monday. 


  1. Interesting new die. What will you do with the trial blocks you pieced?

  2. I can see why that pineapple quilt is a favorite--so lovely;))) I am almost finished hand quilting my little Ojos table topper [two more little ones in line next].
    Bitter this morning--14 degrees with windchills of 9-11!! All my Azalea leaves are scrunched up into tiny little fingers...I don't blame them--brrr

    Am still processing my aborted projects...will try to get them in some kind of order today...starting to feel better at last!!
    Hugs--stay warm hugs, Julierose

  3. I always love pineapple blocks and I have not noticed that new die - interesting!

  4. Wow Wanda such a grand post today. Enjoyed every photo from quilt to your knitting. Liked your new pink and green yarn. And your precisely stitched curved ribbons of Batik fabric for those unique blocks was so fun to see. Plus your wonderful large quilt waiting for a binding. I will be looking back at this post many times today.


  5. You certainly stay wonderfully busy and I imagine it will be wonderful having that lovely colorful quilt in your lap and over your legs as you sew the binding on. What a joy to be warmed by a nearly finished quilt on cold winter days and nights!

    What handy dish cloths, too. Alas, my hands won't play nicely together when I've tried to knit and crochet. It's okay as my hands do lots of other things very well!

    Our high today is 31*F and tonight's low will be 14*F by next weekend, the high will be nearly 70*F. What is up with that?


  6. The batik quilt is pretty and I really love the backing fabric. The new die - how fun is that! The first way you laid them out looks like a snake - love it! I have seen quilts made with that setting and they have so much movement to them.

  7. LOL -- two favorite quilts so far! Lovely.

  8. The pineapple quilt is a feast for the eyes! Curved blocks look so fun and bubbly.


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