
Monday, January 22, 2024

Still hand stitching.......................

Not a lot of time was spent on the hand stitching yesterday but I do have one long side and half of a short side stitched.  I may take a break from it this morning and trim the second quilt and choose a binding for it.

The red double Amaryllis has one open flower now.  There are only going to be three blooms on this one.

There is hope for more blooms though because there are more bud stalks on this bulb.  The third one is still pretty short but they grow pretty fast.

My internet provider sent me a new modem and said I hook it up myself.  At 83 I think someone should be helping me......

Well, anyway I got it hooked up in a half hour and spent another half hour trying to get my computer and phone to hook up with it.  I finally called for help.  The automated lady wouldn't give me to an agent for help for over 15 minutes.  The agent spent almost a half hour helping me and finally we got it connected.  Now I have to go through the process of sending back the old modem.  Luckily there is a choice of having it picked up at my house.  I just have to be sure I click on the right thing on the website to get my label and pick up time.

Possible freezing rain today and early tomorrow.  My son and daughter-in-law picked up some groceries for me yesterday so I won't need to leave home.  I filled the birdfeeders yesterday too so I won't have to go out in the rain.


  1. Your binding is coming along;)))
    I am always amazed what they expect you to do with electronics these days
    and what they expect you to know how to do!!!! I realize my 9 yr old granddaughter could probably do most things by now, but at 80 I am a little bit behind on the tech scene!! Good job getting the modem hooked up and your stuff running...;))))
    Still cold here--12 this morning; but hoping for warmer temps the rest of this week...hugs, Julierose

  2. I need to "cut the cable" but trying to do so on the telephone is fruitless. We have AT&T and I think I can just go to an AT&T store to do it -- but with freezing rain in the forecast it won't be today.

  3. We do not like it when you have to be on the phone so long with help for this now days when you get a new modem Mike can usually figure it out but when you need someone to actually come out and do something in person it takes them forever to agree with you that that need to send someone. I'm glad you were able to get it installed.
    So far light rain and 29 degrees here - very few icicles forming and dripping from the workshop which is the easiest place to view from the house without going outside. I sure hope the temperatures warm up fast (for you too) hard to believe after all the cold that rest of the week is to be in the 50's -- hope you do not get ice.

  4. It sounds like you are winning the technology battle and your red blooms are beautiful. We've had .8 inches of very welcome rain here. I can actually see puddles outside my window!

  5. It does take a lot of time to hand stitch your way around a large quilt! Methinks it's wise of you to give your hands and eyes a break and take time choosing binding for the next large quilt. Perhaps you'll even cut and piece the chosen binding fabric?

    How nice of your kids to get your groceries for you. As a retired nurse, I am all for not taking chances in the rain, ice, or snow when you can avoid it. Keeping your bones intact is the goal!


  6. I think you made good progress on your quilt binding. Especially with taking time hooking up your new modem and connecting to your computer and phone also. There is no way in the world I could do that. Even with calling for help. It took me 3 days to get my email changed. They sure don’t make it simple like they use to years ago.

    Amaryllis double is quite a beautiful surprise.


  7. Sounds like the binding is coming along. No sense in rushing if there is no deadline. The amaryllis is so pretty. Mine is not doing much.
    Good for you that you got the modem hooked up. Trying to get help with anything these days is thought! Where’s a 13 year old boy when you need them! LOL! Tonight I had to reset my iPod because it froze up. I couldn’t remember how so I googled it. The iPod is 20 year old technology but I still like using it.

  8. Your amaryllis are so pretty. Most of my outside amaryllis have melted. Hopefully they come back. There may be some in one of the covered beds that survived for sure. You just never know around here. It's monsooning now with more rain forecast.
    That binding you chose (as usual!) is perfect!


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