
Wednesday, January 3, 2024

More shoo fly blocks...............

Since I had this project out I decided to make some more blocks yesterday.  Bottom left, bottom row was made Tuesday night.  I had one more block cut out but need to change to a lighter thread on the machine.  These could all use the dark brown thread still there from the last binding I sewed.

This is the variety in the first 17 blocks.  So now I have 23 blocks and I want this to be a small quilt so a  maximum of 36 blocks.  I think I need a few blue and turquoise blocks next.

I was gifted 3 Amaryllis bulbs for Christmas.  I took this photo a couple days ago of the first two blooms.

When I looked at it yesterday I noticed there are 6 buds and/or blooms on each of the 2 stalks.

It is tall and even with a stake it was leaning.  First I tried setting the pot into a crock but it still tried to fall over. After I took this photo I tied the stake to the nearest chair so I think I can keep it standing while all 12 flowers open.

The other 2 gift plants are showing life too.  One has a tall stalk with flowers that will open soon and a second bud now starting to grow.  The third one is still a short bud stalk and yesterday I saw a second bud peeking out of the bulb.  I think this should keep me in blooms for about a month.


  1. Lovely white amaryllis!!
    Your Shoo Fly blocks look fascinating--those border prints are really neat...

    Only 24 this morning--frosty again--but sunny so far...Nice fresh air (very fresh hahaha--brrr).

    Well, now I have my surfaces cleaned off and have found that totally clean surfaces tend to paralyze me--nothing for an idea to spring out of!! Who knew??? Well, I am learning something unexpected from this decluttering..
    But I do need to tackle the monster in the closet--my fabric stash....
    lots of decisions in there to be made...

    Today I will work on my paper product, mags etc...I will try not to get
    distracted by wanting to "fussy cut" images out for my gluebooks...
    hugs, Julierose

  2. those white blooms look like the double white blooms that I had a couple years ago but I wasn't good at saving the bulb and it rotted. I always wonder why Amaryllis come in such small pots when we all know we have to stake them and like you practically tie them to something to keep them from tipping over! It is nice seeing 6 blossoms this year

  3. I like the float for the shoo flies. Lovely amaryllis -- I gave them to other people this year but didn't keep one for us.

  4. Your first 17 Shoo Fly blocks have such FUN prints to see. And your latest 6 are such lovely additions. I can tell you’re working on another creative one of a kind top.

    Never saw a white Amaryllis and it is awesomely beautiful. My Costco Amaryllis have lots of blossoms also. They must have created a hybrid this past year. But my stalks are short !


  5. Beautiful blooms! I didn't have any amaryllis this year - and those heavily budded Christmas cacti that I brought home lost ALL of the buds leaving me with only 2 pretty blooms on each. I'm so happy you share yours with all of us!

  6. What a wonderful start you've made on the Shoo Fly quilt and I look forward to seeing the blocks on your design wall.

    Lovely Amaryllis, too and they will continue to delight the eye as the cold weather arrives.


  7. The shoo fly blocks are fun and bright. Always love a bloom when it is just gray and more gray outside. Can't bear to take down my tree as the lights will be gone.

  8. The white amaryllis is so beautiful! My amaryllis with the Christmas sweater is growing very slowly so I think it is going to be weeks before it blooms. Those shoo fly blocks are pretty!

  9. Your amaryllis flowers are gorgeous. I will have to wait till our outside ones bloom since I didn't buy any bulbs to force this year.
    I really like your shoo fly blocks, they are so sweet!


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